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jboypacman's Blog - The Gameroom is going to the dogs!(Really).


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The wife and myself live in a modest 3 bedroom house with a in-ground pool(Which i hate).One room is our bedroom,another room is our guestroom,and 3rd room i use as a makeshift gaming room for myself.We keep our dogs crates in there as well but we rarely use them.Well,we just this past week went a pick out a new dog from the pound.Put us back up to 3 dogs again(one of are dogs,Mario had died this past year).The new dog is peeing on anything he can cock his leg on including my chair i have been using in the gameroom.This got me worrying about what if he would pee on my gaming collection thats sitting in the room on some shelfs.So i went and got some Rubbermaid tubs we had in the attic and place all of collection thats current not being played in to these tubs.I figure i rather be safe than sorry about this untill our new dog stops peeing on everything.He's getting better but he still will have a accident here and there.Our other 2 dogs went thru the same thing when we got them so i know this will pass.So i had to shrink down my gaming area and so now my dogs have the most space in the room.The gameroom is going to the dogs.lol.



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