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ClassicGMR last won the day on December 22 2021

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  • Gender
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    Northeastern U.S.
  • Interests
    Reading, video games, playing Bingo with the wife. It's about having fun when I can. :)
  • Currently Playing
    Yakuza 0 / Slay the Spire
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    Yakuza series

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  1. I've attempted to get people to play it with me a couple of times but the only person that would be willing to even occasionally is my wife and she's just not into these types of games so it's hard. I'm just happy the hobby has so many games that are one player for that reason! 🤣
  2. I've decided I just need to go for it. Started putting maximum effort into my PC repair business this weekend. If I don't force this to work I'll be stuck at Walmart the rest of my life. 🙄

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GoldLeader


      A guy around here works out of his home, advertises in classifieds, and yeah,  his name comes up in internet searches...I've had him fix hard drive issues, memory leaks, re-install Windows, put in new CD Drives, etc.  He is always cheap, always professional, and always busy as hell!  If you know your stuff,  it could be a really good gig for you.

    3. GoldLeader


      Best of luck on it!   Nothing like following your dream!

    4. SlidellMan


      Good luck, and I would lend a hand, but I live all the way in Slidell.

  3. So I enjoy this console. The RGB is cool but the game selection is a bit lacking. Today I finally had some free time to install Custom Firmware 1.30c and add stuff to the system. Oh I really like this! Next step is to check and see what alternate controller can be used. Still enjoying Christmas!!
  4. Just purchased a 2nd item - a Breakout mini arcade - from Dopy25. Great transaction again. Thanks!
  5. Hell a few years back I took one of these and slapped a LP1650 in it. Decent low end gaming, great emulation and great streaming device for the entertainment center. 😊
  6. And before that I owned a GP2X F100 and, briefly, a GamePark GP32. The 2X was a lot of fun but Holy Hell did it chew up AA batteries! That console introduced me to 2500mAh high capacity rechargeable batteries.
  7. Love it. My cat would approve if he was awake. 🤣🤣
  8. If I didn’t already have the Tankstik AND the Atari stick from Microcenter… Excellent rebuild on this!! It looks beautiful. 😊
  9. Yeah. It hit me that I was sitting in front of a COMPUTER attached to the INTERNET and I could SEARCH stuff! Silly me.
  10. What's the 7800 GD in the middle? Everything else in this pic is drool worthy. I miss my N8 but I always love the Krikzz stuff! Edit: Oh! I didn't know a Game Drive was a thing! That's awesome.
  11. GPD WIN 4 with a Ryzen 7 7840u / 64GB RAM / 4 TB M.2 Yowza this thing is amazing.
  12. I have two of these in my hands. I haven’t built into them yet but they are fabulous! They have good heft and are designed very well! Thanks Hazon. 😊
  13. From the desk of "IYKYK":

    I just lost the game.

  14. That’s a blow to emulation across the board. Gonna be an interesting couple of months coming up. 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jess Ragan

      Jess Ragan

      I hate living in interesting times. Can we have a few boring years now?

    3. carlsson


      If the intent is not piracy, what purpose does a Switch emulator have? Is it meant as a development environment for those where Nintendo doesn't offer one? To play freely downloadable games, if such exist? I agree it is comparing apples and oranges that shutting down a Switch emulator is a blow to the entire emulation experience.

    4. x=usr(1536)


      Had to read through this a couple of times to really grok it, but the following seems particularly relevant:


      Yuzu executes code that decrypts Nintendo Switch video games (including component files) immediately before and during runtime using unauthorized copies of Nintendo Switch cryptographic keys. 

      This makes it sound as though the real issue at stake was Yuzu's use of Nintendo's keys.  That was what allowed Nintendo to go after Tropic Haze; emulation itself is still in a safe spot by all appearances.


      Having said that, it was pretty dumb of them to lift the keys wholesale and include them in their emulator.  Granted, clean-room reverse-engineering of crypto keys to produce ones that don't infringe on someone else's IP isn't a realistic proposition.  But when they hit that point, the giant red flags should've been obvious.  Maybe they were and they ploughed on regardless; maybe they weren't and they were victims of their own ignorance.  Either way, the outcome is what it is.


      It's unfortunate that this is the situation Tropic Haze has ended up in, but when Compaq figured this out over 40 years ago they really don't have much of an excuse.  Yuzu was quite a technological accomplishment, to be sure, and full credit to them for the work that they did.

  15. Resurrecting this. I saw this today while looking at Survival Run. I *think* I found why: it's using HTML instead of PHP https://atariage.com/company_page.php?SystemID=2600&CompanyID=48 <- Works https://atariage.com/company_page.html?SystemID=2600&CompanyID=48 <- Is the link on the main page and the product pages Oddly it works from here in the forums as I just clicked them both. But go to the Survival Run page and click a link from there. Not sure what the difference is but that narrows it down I guess.
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