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About cubelindo

  • Birthday 05/27/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mexico city
  • Interests
    Mostly, Atari & Commodore ;)

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Moonsweeper (5/9)



  1. Hi It seems there is a problem with my Suite Macabre game. Tested in 3 colecovision, I can only get a colored bar screen (same with or without Supergame Module) I sent an email to media@collectorvision.com and also posted in Twitter (X) but did not receive any answer.
  2. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the PRGE due to my work agenda I really wanted to buy a copy of Champ Game's Elevator Agent (Elevator Action is my favourite arcade game) So if any kind soul would be willing to grab a copy for me please send me a PM 😅
  3. Hi Albert Congrats for the deal, I really hope this is for the best. I wish you lots of luck
  4. Ordered 2 controllers and one adapter, added note with my AA username
  5. Hi I'm number 82 Cubelindo. I was wondering if 1 inty 1 adapter is enough for the two controllers, if not please correct my adapters to 2 so I can have both controllers running. Thanks!
  6. Hi, The controllers will come with the adapter to use them on the woody Intellivision 1?
  7. I would also like to purchase two controllers, thanks Looks awesome!
  8. Thanks for the info Albert, I love these highlights of game production
  9. Received TODAY Intellivania and HELI So it takes a while to get to Mexico, but it arrives My tracking showed it arrived at Mexico on march 14th
  10. Has anyone received a confirmation email after the purchase? My paypal has been charged but I have nothing from Audacity besides the marketing emails. I even asked for confirmation using the contact form on the website.
  11. They are really awesome, I also would be very interested in some of the models (and I already have an arcade joystick for my Coleco - with keyboard) In any case, I grew up using the typical Atari joystick with the button in the upper left corner, so right hand for the stick, left thumb for the button. When did we swith to left hand for the stick and right for the buttons? I'm not left handed and always had to cross my arms to play at the Arcades. If you have a "lefties" model I'd be all over it. Ideally for Atari also (Atari specs are good for a lot of systems) ...
  12. Same here, wanted only Intellivania but got curious about the comment from imstarryeyed and had to get H.E.L.I. too. btw, I've been unable to suscribe to the newsletter, but fortunately I could suscribe to this thread
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