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cd-w last won the day on June 5 2022

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    Seattle, WA
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    Retro Consoles and Home Micros

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  1. A new (RC3) version is available in the top post - the main changes are: New PAL60 colors Button 2 type no longer needs to be selected (can use any of Select, Fire 2, Genesis B) Boom! logo should now display properly on all 2600 consoles Let me know if you find any further issues? Thanks!
  2. The mockup looks great - this game should definitely be doable on the 2600 with some graphical compromises. I recommend reading this thread in the 8-bit forum: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/288392-two-bruce-lee-sequels/ The map data from the game was extracted and can be loaded in the open source tiled editor - see the attachment on this post. https://forums.atariage.com/topic/288392-two-bruce-lee-sequels/?do=findComment&comment=4236353 Chris
  3. Make sure you are using the latest version of Stella Chris
  4. Thanks for the screenshot - it does look rather green! Here are some different background color variations - can you let me know which you think looks best (the number at the end of the filename is the PAL color value)? Chris boom_pal60_20.bin boom_pal60_30.bin boom_pal60_32.bin boom_pal60_50.bin boom_pal60_52.bin boom_pal60_70.bin boom_pal60_72.bin
  5. I can't find the post now, but I think someone said that the PAL colors were too yellow? Here is a version with some alternative PAL colors - let me know if this is an improvement? Chris boom_pal60alt.bin
  6. Thanks for the testing - knowing the problem was on the bonus round helped me to reproduce the issue! I found a bug that could occasionally cause the game to enter an infinite loop when an enemy is spawning (which happens every time you kill an enemy on the bonus round). I have uploaded a new RC2 version with the fix - let me know if you find any more problems. Thanks, Chris
  7. I think I will disable the fire2 option if a savekey is detected - this should avoid the issue, i.e. it won’t appear until Stella has the right port configures as a joystick. Chris
  8. Thanks - I’ll check the code at the weekend to see if I messed something up. I assume you changed it to Fire2 on the main menu by pressing the select button? Chris
  9. I have updated the binary in the top post, and the main changes are: You can change the second fire button type by pressing "Select" on the main menu (fire2 = fire button on second joystick). All hidden bonus items now implemented. Roller skate movement speed is reduced. Movement speed on high score entry screen increased. I am calling this Release Candidate 1 (RC1) as I believe all the issues are fixed, apart from the line through the Boom logo on some consoles. Let me know if you find any further bugs or glitches! Thanks, Chris EDIT: Found a minor bug so have updated RC1 binary
  10. Here are 3 options for the roller skate (game modified to always run at this speed). Speed5 is the current roller skate speed, and speed 3 and 4 are slightly slower versions. I think speed4 is best, but let me know your thoughts? Chris speed3.bin speed4.bin speed5.bin
  11. Thanks for the play-testing! I don't have space to make the highscore screen taller, but I could enable the roller skate option if that would help? I'll see if I can slow down the roller skate also without making the movements too jerky. Can you let me know if the black screen issue happens again - it sounds like another bug! Chris
  12. Thanks for finding this issue - there is a hidden exit on every level apart from the bonus rounds. I found a race condition in the code: if you are killed as the exit is being uncovered then it wont appear - please let me know if you find any more bugs! Chris
  13. This sounds like a bug - has anyone else seen this issue? Chris
  14. I have uploaded a new version (beta03) which repeats the rows to make the letters more visible. The other changes in the latest version (see top post in thread): PAL60 version Extra life after each completed level (same as NES version) Bomb chains are now possible by holding down the fire button Player/enemy collision detection is more forgiving Let me know if you find any further issues, or differences with the NES version. Thanks! Chris
  15. Two questions for the group: Has anyone tested Boom! on an Atari 2600 with an LCD screen - I'm a little concerned that the grid will look terrible on this kind of display? Should I leave the infinite continues system? The NES version has a level password system, but that would be hard to implement. Chris
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