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  1. Here is a blank AIM diskette label for those who want one, gimp'd from labels above. Atari Interface Magazine DOM label blank.xcf
  2. Well, I think we are past of trying to stuff 5 lbs. into a 3 lb. bag (48-64k vs. 16k). Can we covert it into something usable,readable and faster on a 48k-64k Atari? We've establish the string manipulation issues, so do we use MSB or write Atari BASIC routines? https://www.atariarchives.org/creativeatari/Converting_Applesoft_Basic_to_Atari_Basic.php or https://www.atariarchives.org/c3ba/page031.php
  3. The actual program shows 10 columns and 70 rows. And it scrolls as a spreadsheet. For BASIC it does well. The only strange thing is that the left and right arrow keys move the cursor up and down in a column, and to switch columns you have to press the space bar then the left and right arrow keys. The navigation keys need to be reworked...
  4. Makes me wonder, Applesoft BASIC for Atari, feasible or not? Think of all the software that would be usable. Hmm.
  5. 1618 NORMAL : POKE 32,2: POKE 33,38: VTAB 5: CALL - 958: POKE 32,0: POKE 33,40 The POKES define the left and right columns (Atari BASIC used 82 and 83) VTAB HTAB stuff could be POKED into 84 and 85 (in Microsoft BASIC) or PRINT #0, AT (VTAB#,HTAB#); or similiar. may have that backwards... Call -958 Clears the bottom of the text screen (I'm guessing the bottom 3-4 lines) Then then restores the left and right columns. My best guess is there would need to be a subroutine that would clear parts of the screen using an X,Y,W, H to clear a line or box.
  6. The FLASH, INVERSE only changes the text that is printed until NORMAL command is used. The strings at the beginning can be typed in as inverse characters as they are used for the row and column headings. You could add code to change a string to INVERSE is to add 128 to the ASC value of the character. FLASH although attainable, would require a machine language routine.
  7. ATASCII is pretty awesome for text. Your 'CALL -868' clear line can be simulated as such. All you need to do is set the POSITION for the line you wanted to erase, then print the clear line string which deletes the line then inserts a blank one. Could be used for clearing multiple lines with a for next loop. 5 POKE 82,0:? CHR$(125): REM SET LEFT MARGIN AND CLEAR SCREEN 8 DIM CL$(2):CL$(1)=CHR$(156):CL$(2)=CHR$(157):REM CLEAR LINE STRING 9 REM DRAW THE SAMPLE SCREEN 10 FOR X=1 TO 15:? X;" "; 20 FOR Y=1 TO 35 30 PRINT CHR$(64+Y); 40 NEXT Y:PRINT :NEXT X 50 POSITION 0,10:? CL$:REM CLEAR LINE 10 60 POSITION 0,18 70 END PS: CALL -868 is clear from cursor to end of line. Above may not work. https://www.vintagecomputer.net/browse_thread.cfm?id=790
  8. Here is a floppy disk image that contains BASICALC on archive.org https://archive.org/details/LOGIC_AppleII_Disk-DOS088
  9. I had mine out of boxes a while back. They are fairly heavy despite their looks.
  10. DiskNik (MyDOS453-4) (BASIC).atr is the original disk by KJ Baum DiskNik XE Disk Librarian Utility v1.0.atr is the updated version by Fuji-Man Original has some bugs, but probably the easiest to modify.
  11. Disk Librarian/Label program/Autorun BASIC Utilities For Atari BASIC and BASIC XE. It could use some features and updates, so have a go at it. Fuji-Man DiskNik (MyDOS453-4) (BASIC).atr DiskNik XE Disk Librarian Utility v1.0.atr
  12. Can anyone fix this? It stops before loading. Disc0008B.ATR
  13. OMG, I remember those rainbow tapes, had a bunch of them, may have bought them at Kmart (rip). How awesome!
  14. I'd venture to say most of the floppies could easily transferred to .ATR files using APE and 4 drives very quickly and uploaded to Archive.org. There are some who would say making flux images with kryoflux or a super copy pro card is the only way, taking much more time as well as space. The documents would be a very time consuming unless you have a large scanner that can do duplex, ocr or pdf at a decent dpi. When all said and done, where do the originals go? A museum?
  15. I've modded a few CX-80 for Atari ST machines to be used as a trackball. It didn't require that much modding, cutting a trace or two and running a few wires at most.
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