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MrChickenz last won the day on September 5

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  1. That’s great! I love overhead racing games! I was just playing one on anrcade emulation. Edit: I saw the video for Super Pro Racer it looks great!
  2. I never heard of Plink. I just checked it out on YouTube, looks really good. I happened to notice the video I was watching was uploaded by trebor’s stuff. Coincidence? There are a lot of videos on that channel with great game picks.
  3. I’ve heard of this one but never played it. Do you own the physical cart? It looks a bit longer than the average 2600 cartridge.
  4. Is it the card game or a different game?
  5. The 7800 was my first official Atari. I had the Coleco Gemini system, an Atari 2600 clone, which I really liked. So later when the 7800 was released I picked one up. Which I still have in my collection and still works like it was 1986!
  6. Totally agree, this is how we get the ultimate Atari experience! The 2600+ VADER EDITION!!!
  7. I think it was a good observation. I was just wondering which paddle set you used. Like cartridges, original paddle sets need cleaning as well. I have a few paddle sets that I cleaned some years ago and still to this day have no jitter.
  8. And it’s Chickenz with a Z! Not a lower case c but a capital C, That’s Mr.Chickenz to you! Let’s show some respect! 😁
  9. Why? The Atari 2600+ is a great retro gaming console, as I’m sure the 7800+ will be! I remember when I purchased the Retron 77. I thought it was awesome for the fact that it used original Atari cartridges. But there are many cartridges that won’t load on the 77. Paddles won’t work at all with the DB9 connector with the latest Firmware update. You need a usb adapter to play paddle games. I was fortunate to purchase one adapter before production was stopped. So I can’t play four player paddle games on the 77. I liked the look of the Retron 77, that is until the release of the Atari 2600+! Yes, you can play almost any game off the sd card. But you find yourself not using cartridges anymore and it’s just not the same experience you get with the 2600+. I will never retire my 2600+, in just one short year it’s brought back Atari gaming like no other console or emulation! The 2600+ definitely brought back that nostalgia feel like it was yesteryear! I never liked playing Atari games on PC emulation. It just doesn’t work for me. The 2600+ is my go to gaming console since last year. I play Atari more now than ever! My 7800+ is going right next to my 2600+. I might even buy a second monitor and have Pitfall! Loaded on both machines at once. So when Harry runs to the end of one monitor he can continue on to the other!😄
  10. I’ll gladly test Kaboom and Super Breakout on a 7800+!
  11. If you have an extra prototype you could send one my way! I have many paddle games.
  12. I don’t understand why, I have the latest Firmware and Dumper. I don’t have this issue. Playing Astroblast on my 2600+ works flawlessly, very fast and smooth paddle movement. The only Paddle games I have an issue with are… Super Breakout (course movement) Playable. Kaboom (paddle response is slower than on original hardware) Not Playable. @JOD-I What paddles are you using CX30 or CX30+? And do you have a second set of paddles to test on the 2600+? Just to see if you end up with different results.
  13. A closer look CX30 evolved paddle, ambidextrous paddle!
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