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My Trip To Funspot - Part 3 - The Retrogaming Roundup Games



I'm a big fan of the Retrogaming Roundup podcast, and there were a bunch of games that were kind of fun to see and play at Funspot either because I heard about them through RGR's "It Came From MAME" segment, or they were talked about in a Top 10 (a couple months ago was Top 10 Atari Coin-Ops, for instance).


First of all, Quantum is indeed awesome. I'd never heard of this until UK Mike picked it for the Top 10 Atari coin-ops and I was blown away. The monitor in the cab they had looked brand-spanking new. The game is gorgeous, addicting, challenging and fun to play. Thanks for the tip UK - I'm not sure I would have played it if I hadn't heard about it from RGR, but I probably put as much into Quantum as any other game there.


They also had an Asteroids and Asteroids Deluxe side-by-side. During the Top 10 Atari coin-op debate I was siding with UK (which is rare for me): Asteroids is a little simpler and I always thought that worked for it. Asteroids Deluxe felt too frantic. Playing them side-by-side, though, I have to say I had more fun with Asteroids Deluxe. It helped that the high score on the machine was fairly low, so I had to keep putting in tokens until I got the top spot (Asteroids' high score was out of reach for me). After playing both again I'm much more torn between them. Sometimes your memory of games doesn't quite match the reality. Asteroids is great, no doubt, but Deluxe ramps up the action a little quicker.


Finally, I was pleasantly surprised to see this It Came From MAME Gem:


It took a couple games to figure out, but I actually had a pretty good time with it, and did get to the "girl in the tub" scene once. You're right, SoCal, those red monkeys really target you! Tough game, and pretty bizarre, but it was fun to play.

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I can't say as I've ever heard of Frisky Tom before. Maybe one of these years I'll get back into MAME and will remember to try it out.

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