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Just Another AA Member

Entries in this blog

Exciting..Or Not

Today has been pretty exciting, I guess.I woke up around 12, and me and dad headed over to the Lions practice, which was free to the public. Stayed there for about 2 hours, before heading back. It was kind of cool, I guess. A bit boring. After that we went back home and decided to go to Canada, for no reason. Went to a mall, and I picked up a Modest Mouse CD, The Moon & Antarctica. AWESOME CD, I love it. Much better than the other MM CD's, in my opinion. Came back home and slept. Yeah, not v



1st Entry!

Hello!Well, I suppose this is my first Blog entry. Not much to say here, except what I did today.I woke up around 12, then watched some TV before going online. After that, I sort of did nothing for another 2 hours before deciding to go see "The Island". Well, at last minute I backed out, and went out with dad to grab something to eat. We walked around Detroit for a while, before we got lost and found our way to the ballgame. He asked me if we should go to the Tigers game, kind of a spur of the m



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