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My game-related blogs

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Feeding Frenzy

My daughter is hooked on the game Feeding Frenzy.This is the first game she can really play on her own since it only requires the mouse. Clicks are optional as it gives you a brief speed boost.In a weird role-reversal I'm starting to wonder what will happen if she wastes too much time playing it vs. other more "healthy" pursuits.The problem is she monopolizes the computer so I go into instant internet withdrawal, so I guess her addiction just reveals my own addiction.



Zoombox - verdict in

The resolution on the Zoombox video projector is too low to bother with. I knew it was too good to be true for that kind of money. 557 x 234.The pocket-projector sounds interesting but it looks like the dim LED technology used might be a dead-end.Early Zoombox projector review



Whither GP2X reviews?

10 days after the release and I can't seem to find a single hands-on review of the GP2X anywhere. I only found one blog site that had a video clip of the guy goofing with it (not playing movies) and no substantial information.What I haven't figured out yet is how it handles its TV out. It would be better if, when playing higher resolution video files, it output at maybe 640x480. My guess is that it still downconverts to 320x240 which will make high quality DIVX files look like video CDs on TV




Now blogging a blog site (which I hate, but whatever), the GP2X is now available.GP2X now availableI'm really curious to see how the initial batch of end-user reviews are. It only running on 2AAs makes me really question the battery life claims, especially if someone hacks it to use a WIFI SD card. I'd also like to see if the TV out allows for videos to play back at closer to native resolution or greater color depth (I doubt it).But this might make a great portable 2600 via emulation.



Death Race Arrives in time for Halloween

Originally, the Death Race machine I won on Ebay was going to arrive last week but there was some mixup and it got postponed until today. It therefore has arrived on Halloween. Perfect timing.I'll update this blog post and add some pictures later. I did discover a few issues beyond what was listed in the action. The left shifter doesn't sound like it has a microswitch behind it. The one on the right clicks so it probably works. There also seems to be a pot on the motherboard that is broken



Death Race shipping

Instead of replying to my own prior Blog entry I thought I'd follow up on it here instead. I just arranged to have the Death Race game shipped to my apartment. I'm hoping it gets here in one piece.It's actually costing me a little more than what I paid for it just to ship it, but that's what I expected. It's still a relative bargain, IMHO. I should be able to get it working again. If the board has problems there is a guy who can fix them, probably for less than $100 total. If the power sup



iPod Video

I was very disappointed with the iPod Video announcement yesterday.I think it's only a matter of time before the minimum resolution on portable devices is 640x480, or, at the very least, the PSP's widescreen resolution.I also think that all PMPs should be able to play DIVX/XVID/SVCD movies that people have already downloaded. I mean, portable DVD players are starting to be able to do this. Lots of regular DVD players have been supporting this for a while.I don't think the iPod Video will take



Free Supercharger

I have a Supercharger with the write-protect switch mod installed that I haven't needed since I acquired a Cuttle Cart 1.I'm offering to give this away to the first person who convinces me they are going to try to write a game for the contest using it.Please PM me.



Big Screen Vectrex

I think lasers may be too slow, but this is something I really want to see happen. http://tinyurl.com/7nqsq



Death Race auction

There were actually TWO Death Race machines on Ebay at the same time! I couldn't believe it! I never see these for sale.One restoredThe other, looks mostly intact but not working. This is what I won for a reasonable price:I hope to be able to get this working so I can study the game. I will also post more info about the game because there isn't enough online about it.



Um, no

This is just wrong on so many levels.



Cable Modem

My cable modem service died two days ago. I replaced the cable modem yesterday and it's still out. Looks like it's a break in the signal somewhere. They can't get a technician out until Sunday. So unfortunately TheDig is offline until then.Such is the risk of hosting a website on your own home PC.



Space Race

I thought I'd enter a blog on this even though I don't know whether this will really mature into a project or not.I'd like to see if I can write a port of the 1973 Atari coinop title Space Race.This should be VERY simple other than the process of drawing the starfield. I asked about this on Stellalist and got some derision for distracting myself from Death Derby But this game really is quite simple outside of the stars. I'm itching to finish a game off quickly so I can feel some sense of per




I read Engadget every day and I think I found a gadget I really want. I've been shopping around for a laptop for a long time. The only time I really NEED a laptop is when I'm entertaining my daughter away from home, and even then it's dependent on me establishing a bluetooth dialup networking connection through my cellphone (which might not be possible with my plan) so since it isn't an essential purchase, but I've been looking for a subnotebook/tablet for a long time. Something fast enough t



Flashback 2

I'm still waiting for the Flashback 2 to show up in more mainstream outlets. Over the weekend I was at Target and didn't see it. I don't want to shop at Wal Mart. I just don't like what that company represents (the dark side of capitalism).I've heard stories about Flashbacks with the bad audio and if that happens to me I'm just going to return it as defective since technically it is a defect.I'd like to get at least two of these, maybe 3. One would be for collecting to stay in the box, one f



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