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...past the Giant's table...

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Suddenly Single

Yeah, Keilbaca and I decided we're better off as friends than anything else. I probably should have realised that a lot sooner, but at least I realised it before things got more serious. Since we're tied into the lease together, we'll be staying as roommates, for several more months, but since it was a friendly break-up, it won't be a problem.So, on to the single life.



Cold, Annoyed, Hungry, and Bitchy

Yeah, quite a combination, I know. It's been a rough two days and right now I just want to throw something. Maybe at a wall. Maybe at something else. It's freezing in my room and my fingers are starting to lose feeling. (Texas isn't supposed to get this fucking cold.) I tried hard to do something right and I only ended up upsetting someone else when I just wanted to make that person happy. And, both the other person and myself spent forever trying to fix the complications from my attempt.



Niceness is often punished.

So I thought I'd be nice and give my manager more than the usual two weeks notice, that I'm moving across town, and I can't work there anymore. I figured he'd be happy with an extra bit of time to try to find a replacement for me, especially since we're already short-handed.But no. Instead of thanking me for giving him extra notice, he tells me my last day is on the 5th of November (roughly two weeks from now). When I tried to explain that I was only trying to be considerate, and that I want



1337 Clearance

The logistics supervisor had me marking up clearance items with the pricing gun between customers at my register, and when I was all done, I started playing around a little bit with the numbers, until I spelled out "1337". I stuck a "1337" price sticker on my name tag, just for the fun of it. Hey, I have to do *something* to make the work hours pass by more quickly. ^_^~Me~



Tetris Plus -- "You need more practice!"

After not playing the game for... say... three to four years, I'm surprised that I don't completely suck. It's a little hard to practice the vs. mode when I don't have anyone over to play against me (although K will be coming over this weekend, so we'll see if I can hold my own against him). Still, just the music brought back tonnes of memories, and I'm actually not that bad. Maybe not that good, since K is absolutely sure that he can beat me, but we'll see. The Puzzle Mode is the best pract



Watching DDR.

No one seems to understand this, but I love watching other people play video games. Well, I suppose it depends on how interesting the game is, but generally, I love watching. I had never seen anyone play DDR until this weekend, when K and I went to the arcade at the mall near my apartment. The man can move. o.o; And the songs are awesome. When I'm more awake, I'm going to hunt down the list of DDRExtreme songs and start downloading the ones I recognise from the times that K played. I'm te



The Fantasy Game of Ill-Repute.

I keep waiting for someone brilliant to make The Mind Game, from Ender's Game. With modern technology and our ability to measure brain waves, I know the game is not far-off, if we work towards it. Would people want to play it? Would game designers want to make it? Would conspiracy theorists claim that we'd all succomb to some evil plot launched by the government, to take over our bodies? I'm not sure.All I know is that the game is amazing. The potential is incredible. And we're on the bri



Password Protected.

I've decided that the makers of Playstation and Playstation II need to come up with password protected memory cards. If they had invented those back in the year 2000, I might still have my saved game from Suikoden, the one that my brother erased by accident.And I might still have my saved game from Legend of the Dragoon, the one that Ed erased, on purpose. Not that it matters quite as much, as I have already beaten that particular game a few times. Still, it's the principle of the thing. Mem



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