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Been a while

It has been too long since I posted here.   Well, I got a new schedule at work...instead of 11-8 it's now 1-10. That's good and bad. At least I have some time to do stuff now.   My wife is going to start babysitting again. She hasn't for a while cause the daddy of the children was jobless and she figured it wasn't right to watch the children and take money that they need to buy food and all while he doesn't have a job. Apparently he does now so that's that.   My step-daughter REALLY enjoy



Great news!

Sorry I haven't posted but the net has been down.Anyways dad took it really well and is happy for me. Then I told my g-pa and he's happy as well (course I didn't tell him about my step-daughter). So I'm going to move tomorrow and hopefully have everything moved by tomorrow since most of my stuff is still packed.Well, this is the last post I'll make for a while since I won't have the net for a while. I might try and get the 10 hour free service for a while once we get a phone. I dunno. Everyone t



Got an apartment!

Well great news! We got approved for the apartment and our lease starts Monday. So I'm moving out ASAP! This also means in about 2 weeks we'll be getting married! So I'm excited.But as for the bad news. I've got to tell my dad this stuff. Now, he'll probably be all happy and stuff about the above, HOWEVER I have to tell him about my soon step-daughter. I'm nervous cause I have a feeling he's going to give me every reason NOT TO marry her and blah blah. I just hate hearing him chewing me out. Rea



Space Invaders...Day 59

Such a sad day today. Tis my last day on my hopeful quest I once had. But as they say, whoever "they" are, all good things must come to an end. For those who don't know, I've got alot of stuff going on with my life now that I need to focus my time with it than playing this great game. And when I say alot of stuff, yeah, I mean it. Looking back, I'll say there were nights I really didn't want to play. But I went ahead and played a game and got some points. It's like I said, I really enjoyed doing



Space Invaders...Day 58

Man I'm so glad my days off are here! Tomorrow we're hopefully going to go look at apartments (alot of stuff has come up that MUST be done, so it'll be after 2 before we can go....maybe I'll do some calling.....).Anyways, time is drawing to a close on my ordeal. I wish I could keep going, but like I said there is just too much going on in my life now that I need to focus more on them than playing video games. Thankfully I've become alot better at saving money than just blowing it on games (to bu



Space Invaders...Day 57

Man what a bad day at work! So many people called in and one of my co-workers had a wreck so he called out. Oh well, I got through the day.I really enjoy just playing up to about 50k. I get 50k easily in about 30 minutes then have plenty of time to do other things. It's great! Gotta keep the stress factor down on me (acid relux plus heartburn really bites!). I got 50,460 tonight. Only 2 more days before I hang it up for a while. Ya know, when I said all that the other day, I was really sad after



Space Invaders...Day 56

Well things may have got worse for me. My fiance MIGHT have to use her money she saved for moving in next month on her car now. We're not sure what's wrong, so she's going to have it looked at in a few days. Hopefully, it's not what we think, so it won't cost much. Then I said something stupid at work and had to talk to one of my managers. Man, things haven't gone well for me today.I allowed myself to score 50,060 points. I figure until March 1st I'd allow myself at least 50k every night that wa



Space Invaders...Day 55

Tonight I just let the Invaders finally drop to Earth and win letting me score 62,480.Total Games: 24Total Points: 2,454,565That's such a cool score. Anyways, the reason I just quit playing is I need to say this. Come March 1st, I'm going to stop playing this. I have my reasons and I'll go ahead and say this.I plan on getting married next month. It's a little rush job but here's the situation. My fiance's ex-husband has done/said some major BS that has caused problems and now a custody battle is



Space Invaders...Day 54

Sorry I have to do this today cause my internet was down for about a day. I scored 65,535 yesterday.Total Games: 23Total Points: 2,392,085



Space Invaders...Day 53

As stated I really didn't care much for tonights game. Add to the fact I'm really tired (fell asleep late and got up sooner than I wanted). I did catch a 30 minute nap earlier, but 30 minutes won't cut it! If I can last long enough, I've got some emails to make, so I'll keep this short.Tonights score 59,205Total Games: 22Total Points: 2,326,550



Space Invaders...Day 52

For someone who didn't care about tonights game I sure did alright. I went to bed late and got up early so I'm tired. Then my fiance got a little stressed at work so I said something and she got mad. But I went to see her and she was in a better mood. That and I got her some frog stuff. She likes frogs.Like I said a few days ago I really don't know when I'll play tomorrow. I have to take her to the dentist (by eight) then I get to watch my future step-daughter for most of the day. I'm going to b



Space Invaders...Day 51

Well I did pretty good tonight. I'm tired again and had to battle my hair tickling my neck (since I'm growing it out). Lots of fun.Tonight I scored 108,735.Total Games: 20Total Points: 2,144,115



Space Invaders...Day 50

Man I played a sorry game tonight. Being tired had something to do with it. Oh well. It was a pooey day at work, so blah. Oh well, I'll go ahead and say this in advance (of course, I'll probably remind people Tuesday as well). Wednesday I'm taking my fiance to the dentist. She has to be there at 8 to get some teeth pulled. So it's going to be fun...not really. Then I get to take her home and watch my soon step-daughter for a while. So I really don't know when I'll get a game in then, but Tuesday



Space Invaders...Day 49

Well today was a sort of good day. Work was alright (at least I wasn't bored...though I did get tired). My fiance is sick as well as her daughter...gee wonder if they got it from me? I'm a bad bad person .Anywhoways, as I knew I did tons better than last night. I scored 138,640 tonight. Pretty good. Oh well, I'm getting pretty tired now. Didn't go to sleep till late last night and had to wake up earlier than what I have been. Kind of like I used to do back on summer vacation...then school would



Space Invaders...Day 48

I played the worst game so far this month. But to be honest, I didn't care. As a matter of fact, I haven't cared for much this week. Yeah, I had a 5 day vacation, but I've been more bored than anything on these 5 days off. I had fun Tuesday and Wednesday, but that's about it. So I guess it wasn't much of a vacation.I haven't felt the urge to play video games, or watch movies, or read comics. Really the only things I wanted to do were: play D&D and heroclix, which I haven't done, work a littl



Space Invaders...Day 47

Well the net is up. Look at that! Thought the internet hated me. Anyways, I scored 95,205.Total Games: 16Total Points: 1,792,330



Space Invaders...Day 46

Okay so I'm a day late on this but for good reason...the internet JUST now got back over here. It's been down for a while. Dunno why, but oh well. All that matters is I can freaking put up yesterdays blog and HOPEFULLY the net won't go out on me again so I can do todays later on.Anyways, I'll just go ahead and say I scored 154,435 yesterday. I started getting really hungry so I started losing concentration on the game. Total Games: 15Total Points: 1,697,125Like I said, hopefully the net won't go



Space Invaders...Day 45

Man what a day! I had fun and enjoyed myself, spending time with my fiance and future step-daughter. TONS better than yesterday!Speaking of tons better, so was my score. The only poopy part...how I lost my last ship. I wasn't paying attention and one of the last two Invaders shot and I ran right into it. Oh well! Can't be perfect!Tonight I scored 101,065 points. Pretty good I guess. For my faithful readers I will go ahead and say this: I have no idea when I'll post tomorrow. I am going to hopefu



Space Invaders...Day 44

Well, I played my worst game of the month tonight. Course, I didn't feel like playing. I really haven't felt like doing ANYTHING at all today. I'm on vacation, and I've been bored basically all day. Bummer! Almost everyone I know was working today so bleh! Tomorrow and Wednesday should be fun days, so I should hopefully score higher those days (since I won't be bored to tears all day).Tonight I only scored 55,670. Pretty pathetic, but I'll do better tomorrow. Probably have to get an early game i



Space Invaders...Day 43

Oh man I'm so tired. I haven't been sleeping well...one big reason has been waking up and coughing for long periods. Another fact is going to bed late and waking up early. However, I'm officially on a mini-vacation...so this is good. Hopefully I can sleep in.It's past midnight and I just fnished my game. I did pretty good tonight, especially considering how tired I am. So I'm going to make this short. I scored 163,135 tonight.Total Games: 12Total Points: 1,385,955



Space Invaders...Day 42

I did better...yet I did worse. Tonights game was bad. I lost my first ship at about 2k. Then, next thing I know, I lost another just seconds later! I was like NO! I don't know if I was all the way to the right or if my controller decided not to work on my 2nd ship. I did notice my hands were sweaty (it's a little warm in here) and I kept having to wipe them off alot. That might've been the problem.There's something that happens on alot of my games I can't quite figure out. When it gets to about



Space Invaders...Day 41

Geez, dunno if it was something I ate or what but I feel sick to my stomach. So I didn't really care for tonights game much. I'm tired first of all, but feeling sick to my stomach....I've had stomach problems for years (with as I stated when I first joined I had my first stomach ulcer at 13...so yeah). Thankfully my personal problem has been lifted off my shoulders. Oh man when I found out the great news today....I was super excited. Words can't describe how I felt. It was awesome!Anyways, I sco



Space Invaders...Day 40

Member Nathan Strum asked me if I could've played 2 games to get 1 million in 8 days. Good question. Here's the deal...I can get 1 million in 8 days, or 7...heck I could do it in 1....but the big question is, "how many games did it take?". Last month it took, if I remember right, 34 games before I achieved the 1 million mark. I guess I was more focused on how many games I could do this in. Like I said, I could get 1 million in a day. Yeah, it'd be impressive, but I would've played many many game



Space Invaders...Day 39

This...this is so sad. I scored 112,635 points!Total Games: 8Total Points: 991,760I needed 8,240 more points to get 1 million. And I was so sure I was going to do it too. What got me? Well, for some reason I lost a ship at about 2k. I was freaking out, figuring I would have a repeat of last night. Nope. I get to about 111k and the first Invader on the most right column struck me down. Bummer. Next screen, the same freaking Invader got me again. BOO! I was so confident and sure I was going to do



Space Invaders...Day 38

I played like crap tonight. I mean, I was terrible. I lost a ship early, and then the same Invaders struck me down twice! Oh man, if I'm going to get 1 million points by tomorrow, I've GOT to play better.I scored a very pathetic 56,780 points. Yeah, it was that bad!Total Games: 7Total Points: 879,125This means I MUST score at least 120,875 points tomorrow. I guess I should say this as well....not only do I want to do this within 10 days or less, but 10 games or less as well. If I can't get the



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