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Space Invaders...Day 37

Well, I played a game but forgot to post in my blog. It's now past midnight...but oh well! I'll still treat it as it were still January 6th.Now I've played the game and noticed something, but never paid attention until tonight. I noticed that some of the Invaders, when shot, don't have the exploding sprite that goes with them. Here's the deal: some always seem to have the sprite, some don't have it, and others sometimes display it and at other times don't. I'm thinking of sitting down and record



Space Invaders...Day 36

Well, had some personal stuff happen today. And I really felt I wasn't going to do any good. Alas, and thankfully, I was wrong. I mean, I was upset by the things, but I decided I shouldn't keep worrying about them and to move on. When it's time to deal with it, I will.I score 126,150 tonight. Hopefully I can keep this up for just a few more days to get 1 million in 10 days or under.Total Games: 5Total Points: 723,425I'm very close. Let's hope I can keep this up!



Space Invaders...Day 35

Well this morning wasn't cool. When I got into the game, I knew it was going to be bad. I lost a ship early, and I just couldn't hold my routine up. I kept missing alot and was very sloppy. I only scored 78,355 points. When I look at how many points I need, I need an average of just under 70k a day to achieve 1 million in 10 days or under. I did score above average, but man I don't need to go like this. I don't see myself getting up early tomorrow, but if somehow I do get up at 7ish, depending o



Space Invaders...Day 34

You know, when you score over 200k you learn something from that game. I know it's only been three days, but I've been doing pretty good in February so far! Today I racked up 132,765 points! Maybe there's just something about playing about 7ish in the morning...I dunno. Anyways, prepare to slap a big "DUH!" sticker on me. While playing on stage 4 or 5, I had to do something with my spit bottle (where I could spit up my junk I was coughing up!). Anyways, I either shot or missed UFO number 1 and l



Space Invaders...Day 33

I'm putting up my blog earlier than usual for good reason. I really don't feel too good. I left work a few hours early today cause of the crapiness I was feeling. My throat is still sore as all get out. I even had a fever today (which was the main reason I left work early). I awoke from a nap recently. Throat feels worse in a sense, but the fever has gone down, so I'm SOMEWHAT better. I didn't sleep for junk last night, and woke up about 7 something this morning. I played a game a little after I



Space Invaders...Day 32

Well today starts a new month and a new total of points and games. Getting started I must say that I must have not been satisfied with last nights new high score. Today I set an even higher score of 238,730 points!I think I played for a little over 2 hours, I can't remember. I just know my butt was really hurting and my hands were getting sweaty! I lost my first ship around 120k then the second at about 160k. I managed to hang on for over 70k worth of points with one ship to score the awesome sc



Space Invaders...Day 31

Well, this has been a good month! I've accomplished quite a few things. I hit over 1 million points, I shot the UFO after clearing the screen, scored over 100k on three games and a few other odd things. Probably the biggest of them all was rolling the score. Serioulsy, if you saw how I played last year....yeah, I have come a LONG ways and have improved TONS!I played two games today. On one game I set another personal high score for myself. I lost my second ship, and as I went to kill more Invade



Space Invaders...Day 30

Yep, I'm sick. I figured it would happen. Thing is though, I was up almost all last night with the freaking chills. Guess the fever was running wild. I couldn't sleep for anything. Now I'm not into medicine. See one and its side effects just pile on the problems. However, I do believe in Nyquil (or generic in my case). Seeing as how I got sick so soon after being sick last time, I got some generic dayquil/nyquil. Thankfully I played a game this morning. I somehow managed 31,305. That's awesome c



Space Invaders...Day 29

Bad news...I think I'm getting sick again! I got that nasty feeling in my sinuses and when I get that it usually means I'm probably going to get sick again. I don't understand. Getting sick is rare for me...usually 2-3 times a year. And I was sick just a few weeks ago!Oh well. I'm also tired too. Maybe a lack of sleep is the cause? Not sure. I had some drink tonight. Merlot, if that's how it's spelled. Quite tasty. Anyways, I feel like I'm about to fall asleep soon. I scored 48,930 tonight. Tota



Space Invaders...Day 28

Well, I scored low, but here's why. I like to edit videos for no reason and make something stupid out of it. Well, I decided I wanted to edit Terminator 1,2 and 3 and make a short, dumb movie from the clips I rip from them.So while I was in the process of playing I was ripping T1. Needless to say, I decided I might as well lose my last ship and go ahead and see what I can do so far with what I got. I really enjoy editing vids, but it is a VERY time consuming thing. Especially with what I plan to



Space Invaders...Day 27

Have you ever got water in your ear, then it gets all stuck and stuff? And you move your head, and you can freaking hear it in your ear. It gets all annoying, so you do everything in your power to make it go away...but it doesn't. That's what I had today! YAY! Yes, it was a blast playing with that going on. And then the itchies came...on the back of my neck. I'm growing my hair out and my hair was still wet I guess from bathing and all....and it freaking tickled/itched! Argh! I can't stop blasti



Space Invaders...Day 26

I don't know what time I'll get to play tomorrow. My fiance is coming over! Whoo hoo! Anyways, I played a game tonight. To be honest, I'm just freaking tired! Didn't realize it was this late. Plus, I set the alarm for 9, but thanks to getting used to getting up at 8...I got up at 8:11 or something. I want to freaking sleep in somewhat! Geez! I scored 41,625 tonight.Total games: 41Total points: 1,382,075Hopefully I can get some sleep soon so I can score better! Go go gadget sleep!



Space Invaders...Day 25

Well I spent most of today (almost 12 hours) doing what I had planned. Really didn't expect it to go for that long, but whatever. I'm tired, but did play a game tonight. I scored 25,900. I didn't want to play in a sense cause like I said I'm freaking tired. But as I got more into the game, I awakened a little. But alas, my eyes wanted to shut during part of the game so I decided I needed to try and end this quickly. I'll try not to make this same mistake of waiting till the last moment to play t



Space Invaders...Day 24

I guess today was an okay day for being off. I spent to much on comics. I'm not good with money when my account is high! I need to start saving for moving out and the wedding! C'mon me!I only played 2 games today. I scored 55,325 then I scored 62,880. Go me I guess!Total games: 39Total points: 1,314,550I don't know how many games I'll play tomorrow. I have something planned and don't know how long that will take. Guess we'll see.



Space Invaders...Day 23

Someone said on a topic that I should try for a million points in under 34 games. I'm going for it! After looking at alot of my first games, I think I can do it! Actually, I KNOW I can do it! Tonight I was just way to busy having fun to be serious. I only scored 48,965 points. I lost a ship at about 2k. I saw the enemy shot, and just walked right into it! Same way with my last ship! D'oh! Tomorrow I'll put in a serious game. Got to knock my scores up if I'm going to do a million in under 34 game



Space Invaders...Day 22

Well, I didn't do so well tonight. I scored poorly. But for good reason...it's storming a little outside with some thunder and lightning. Don't want my Atari to get fried now do I?Anyways, I've got the timing on the UFO down pretty good. There are a few areas I still need to look at and practice. And when I say areas, I mean the speed of the Invaders. Trust me, it affects it alot. And thanks to the UFO coming from the left the first few stages, I really had a tough time nailing him. Oh well. Oka



Space Invaders...Day 21

You have good days and you have bad days. Tonight, I had a great night at Space Invaders! Now, I didn't beat my high score, but I did shoot the UFO even more than I did last night. There were a few times I shot to fast and it didn't appear, but when it did, I nailed it almost always. So I'm getting better not only at the game, but at hitting the UFO as well. As you noticed, I've been practicing. In a few months, if I'm good enough, I might go for the world record. I'm nowhere near it, but like I



Space Invaders...Day 20

First of all, thanks to all 2 or 3 or you who read this and have helped get it to over 100 views! I never thought people would actually read this! (Actually it's more than 2 or 3 I guess, but I'm making a lame joke).Now, as for the game I played after I posted the blog last night, the score was 27,345. That alone brings the totals to:Total games: 33Total points: 894,725Now comes the awesome part! Tonight was a VERY good night for Space Invaders. Better than usual nights. I lost my first ship at



Space Invaders...Day 19

I'm a VERY VERY happy person today. While playing my first game, I began to think that my goal of shooting the UFO after clearing the screen of Invaders was impossible. I had come close many times today in hitting him but I couldn't. I figured it just couldn't be done. Then on one screen, when not trying...I DID IT! Oh man I was so freaking happy! I thought if I could do this, it would take a very long time. Well, today I officially cleared the screen then shot down the UFO. Very hard task to do



Space Invaders...Day 18

Man, the only game I got in was this morning after I woke up. Guess I didn't do to bad considering I was still freaking tired! I slept in till almost NINE! WOW!I spent some time with my fiance and soon to be step-daughter. I pulled out the Flashback 2 and played a game on there...Frog Pond I think? Can't remember. Anyways, step-daughter and I played that...she's only 5 and whooped me 2 out of 3 games! Last game she got a bug or something at the last second and beat me! All she was doing was jump



Space Invaders...Day 17

I noticed something last night and it happened tonight. I do believe my action button may be messed up. For a few seconds it didn't even register (i.e. it didn't fire) last night, and tonight it didn't fire a few times either. Man, that isn't cool.Anyways, I'm wanting so badly to get back into another system. There is a certain RPG I have that I want to play, but yet Atari is all I'm really playing. The PS2 is going right back into the closet. Yeah, I didn't play the RPG on there for to long.Oh



Space Invaders...Day 16

Well tonight was a great night. I was so ready for some Space Invaders. What got me in the mood? Well, besides that it's a totally awesome game, I dunno. At work there are a few arcade machines and a friend and I have a little challenge of high score at Donkey Kong. I'm not great at it, but it's good fun. But anyways, I tried a few times for my goal, then realized I was having way to much fun to want to try for the goal tonight. So I sat back and really enjoyed my game tonight. Don't get me wron



Space Invaders...Day 15

Okay, forget it, that other game gets added as the "what I really played" total. No need in trying to put it somewhere when there's nothing I can really do about it. Anyways, moving on, I'm pretty fricking tired. My last 2 hours, hour and a half, whatever, was pretty tough. I did some nice little manual labor that sadly had to be done and that I should have had help with (but didn't have) and it wore me out. Tonight I scored a rather low 31,445. Like I said, I'm tired. I did pep up a little when



Space Invaders...Day 14

Well I messed up tonight. I played a game, looked at the clock and wondered how long it would take me to score about 20,000+. So my dumb self just hit reset instead of recording the score! ARGH! It was about 23,000+ (of course I can't remember). So here's what I'll do with that game: I won't put any score with the points and I won't put the one game with the total games. I will keep it remembered, though, so I can put more games in there in case I don't write the score, or a power outage happens



Space Invaders...Day 13

HO! (Like Hacksaw Jim Duggan used to say). Today was a great day for Space Invaders (well, everyday is but ). I only scored a meager 38,445...HOWEVER, I really really really enjoyed tonights game for some reason. In a sense, I wasn't taking it too seriously. I was basically just having fun without worries of the score. And catch this: I was ONE SECOND from hitting the UFO after I cleared all the Invaders! Right when it was about to hit, BAM! new screen. I was all like "Awwww!". But it wasn't the



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