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Space Invaders...Day 12

Well, I learned a lesson today: do NOT play this game and hope for a high score after drinking. Yeah, my stupid butt forgot a certain thing that if the Invaders get to close I lose. So yeah, first game was bleh! Oh well. I did try for my one goal tonight eventually, and hypothesized this: It's best to have 7 Invaders on the screen. Now you can have six, but with the way I shoot by the time I have 6 left, I rarely get the UFO. If you can get 6 Invaders left and have the UFO suddenly appear, aweso



Space Invaders...Day 11

Man I feel TONS better. I sat down and played a few games today. Two of them I did okay on (40-50k range) but I scored terribly on the other (a little over 2k!? Man I'm losing it). I couldn't get into the zone today (have stuff on my mind) which probably explains the 40-50k. So today I played 3 games scoring:41,5352,83051,920Total games: 22Total points: 509,780Hopefully I added all the numbers right . A few things of interest since I got into this game. 1) As I said before I have got fast enough



Space Invaders...Day 10

Oh man the head cold is worse in a sense. I was doing good earlier today but then my sinuses really started hurting. I'm guessing a few more days and I'll be done with this head cold. I played one game today...I really feel like crap right now. I broke out the PS2 today to replay a RPG I have....but I'll probably play more Atari tomorrow...that is if I'm feeling better. Hopefully I can see some Galaxian being played...and I don't know what else really. I did find some games the other day I forgo



Space Invaders...Day 9

Oh man, today was not a good day. I have a head cold if I didn't say so before and today was sneezing day. So that really tore up my sinuses. I left work a few hours early today cause I was just feeling bad. I scored a little over 19,000 on Space Invaders tonight. I kept feeling like I was going to sneeze, and I'm sure alot of you know that feeling. Thankfully I'm off the next two days, so I really hope I'll get better. I have Orange Juice, Chicken Noodle Soup and Jack Daniels all ready to help



Space Invaders...Day 8

I scored a little over 10,000 tonight. Man I'm tired. I didn't sleep well at all last night. I'm still sick, and was feeling okay during work but MAN did it hit me hard towards the end. I started feeling like crap. When this is all over and I'm feeling better I'm going to total up everything but right now is not the time. On a side note, I played a little of the DS Space Invaders (which has the classic game AND a new age version). Glad I got back into it as well. Space Invaders is just AWESOME!



Space Invaders...Day 7

Well about all I'm going to say is I'm sick. Dunno if it's just a head cold or not...I'm guessing not as I also have an upset stomach. I'll post how much I scored tonight but I don't feel like much else right now...I shall soon go to bed :)Points tonight: 17,220Hopefully I'll be feeling better soon so I can get back on track. I tell ya with the way I feel it was hard to focus in on their shots and avoiding them.



Space Invaders...Day 6

Well needless to say the little situation has NOT been resolved...at least on my part. I will say that this is no fault of mine, but one of my room mates....no apologies directed towards me. It is funny, however, that he thinks he can just talk to me like nothing ever happened. Yeah, NOT going to work. Anyways, I played one game today and score over 20,000 points. It's really hard to get to do much on an 11-8 shift. Oh well. If I can get at least 20k or more a night I guess it'd be good. What's



Space Invaders...Day 5

Well, here's a story first: I had something happen last night...as in there were problems in the household. Well, as of this writing the problem isn't fixed...well, with MY situation at least. Then, let's not forget to add a bad day at work (worst part is a depressed fiance who gets chewed out by a manager over nothing which makes her cry again). Yeah, haven't had a good time here lately.So I really didn't feel up to some Space Invaders but made myself play two games. They were TERRIBLE...but th



Space Invaders...Day 4

Man! I should've done this January 1st! Anyways, I decided to try and play at least ONE game a day of Space Invaders. Of course, things happen so I may miss a day or whatever. I guess I'll keep everyone up to date as to what's going on:January 1, 2006Played 2 games, with the scores being:6,085 and 17,365January 2, 2006Played 5 games...the scores:9,210...17,485...9,805...15,895...25,560...25,560January 3, 2006Played 4 games:2,120...22,810...12,850...52,095Today I only played one game. I got a sco



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