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More palettes remakes!

Today I dedicated to improve other systems/emulators color palettes. This time was for Colecovision, Intellivision and NES.   The pictures below shows the corresponding palettes for Coleco and Inty, both are 16 colors, and of course they are different one of another. In the after picture, I tried to match most of the colors in both Coleco and Inty, but some characteristic colors remained in their respective places. This time I added the hex triples (RGB) of each color.       LEFT: Original



Non-Official Nabuko Palette for VCS 2600 Emulation

Well what I got for you today? A new palette, yes, that's right.. this time is for the 2600 emulator Stella. I know it cannot be used now, that's why I making it before the new release of Stella, which will support the user defined color palette. It consist of a 256 color array, 128 colors for NTSC games and 128 for PAL games. Right now I'm just testing this palette under ProSystem 7800 emulator using the color selector demo rom, so I don't consider it as an official palette... yet, PAL color




Well, MAMEWAH is a frontend. You know, a program which let you play your emulators without the windows environement. This one lets you play many emulators as possible, and although it was designed for MAME, it's easy to use for any system. From all the fronteds I downloaded and tested (GameBase, Atomic FE, MaLa, ArcadeOS) for me this is the best frontend because it's highly customizable, alas it lacks of a main menu or welcome screen, it's capable to play sounds, music, videos, screensavers, bu




HI everyone! Finally I made it: I finished my color palette for use in 5200 / 7800 emulators, like MESS (soon available in version 0.111), ProSystem for 7800 and Kat5200 for 5200. Perhaps in the future can be used in the next release of Stella (I don't know when it will be launched). Here we go!   I officialy call this palette "Nabuko Palette"     .PAL Format   .XML Format   I will be adding here a few more palette for other systems, like Colecovision, Nintendo, and maybe Intellivisio



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