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INTV and Colecovision

I recently got a batch of games from AtariAge, Colecovision and INTV... and, the INTV games really have impressed me. I picked up Pepper 2 and Mousetrap and Venture and Donkey Kong Jr. Donkey Kong Jr. actually seems to be a better version than the 5200/8 bit versions (which is surprising, because Donkey Kong for Coleco is so random and weird... not unenjoyable... just so radically bizzare)...   The only fault I can find is that the games seem fairly easy to me... and I remember that being one



Venture Colecovision

I was reading a blog here where someone had picked up a copy of Venture Colecovision and was blown away with how good the title is, after being familiar with it on the 2600 versions only.   I also recently reacquaninted myself with this title (bought from the good folks right here at AtariAge, for a great price, I might add)... and I've got to say... I had forgotten just how much fun and how GOOD of a game this is on the Colecovision.   As it happens, when I was a kid, there was a local pl



Is it Real, or is it Atarimax?

So, I was just reading JoeyBastard's blog about emulation and multicarts, and it got me thinking about where I am on the spectrum. I think I started out in the middle, leaning toward's Joey's perspective, but since, I've moved the other way. I *know* I'm a huge fan of the Multicart, for a number of reasons we'll discuss in a moment. But, I've recently become far more receptive to Emulation as well - to the point where, recently I've had doubts about how sound my investments in real hardware have



Notes on Trading/Buying From Me

I just wanted to post something, and hopefully, anyone I deal with in the Marketplace will get over here and read this first.   I just want to save people some time. If you're in any way fussy, picky, or wound a little too tightly when it comes to the transfer of goods and services, and you see something I have offered, just skip the PM to me. Don't bother.   Anyone who has dealt with me here or on eBay will tell you I'm quick, courteous, and responsive. I'm also REAL easy to deal with.




So, this evening I was taking a shower, and afterwards, as I shaved, my mind wandered to the people who complain if you leave the water running when you shave or brush your teeth. A thought suddenly occured to me. These are the same people who think that the only socially responsible alternative is to sell your Prius for a recumbant bicycle, because if we give up all of our fossil fuel burning vehicles, that will certainly stop the foreward march of global warming. So, I should conserve water, e



Musings of a lunatic

So, I felt that I needed to address a topic, and that a Blog was the logical forum for me to post this in. I'd like to get this out in the air, so that next time it happens, I can simply refer the offending party to this blog.   I've got this theory, if you're in a room full of people, and EVERYONE is pointing at you and saying you are an insufferable jerk, and you are certain that they are just all lunatics... you might be right. You *can* be the only intelligent life in a room full of dumb



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