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The Greatest Love of my Life!

I am absolutely ecstatic. I have been waiting paitently for the arrival of my nephew Charlie. Finally he has arrived, a little unexpected... but what an awesome Valentine's present! Charles Eugene Varner Saldana was born at 11:47 pm on Thursday, February 15th, 2007. He weighed 7 lbs, 1 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. He has a tiny little head... only 13 inches and his chest was 12 3/4 inches. Charlie is a little chunk. He is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen!!! (Of course Aunt JellE



Outta my ever-lovin' mind!

Okay... so I have been working ungodly hours lately, and haven't really had much of a chance to do anything with my 800. (Not that I am actually putting forth much effort these days anyway) I STILL have yet to find a good place for it... and still no SIO2PC cable. Basically, I just think I am bored and depressed. I thought I would get out of my rut by ATTEMPTING to bid on an 800xl and 130xe on eBay...which not too much to my surprise, I was outbid on the 800xl. But that is okay... not like I



The Gift

I wrote this in 1997...what seems like a lifetime ago... but I really like it, and hope everyone else will too.   THE GIFT   Thoughts of you, chasing the end of time, continuously run through my mind. Hard are the words, I try to speak to tell you how I feel. But I know you were given to me, by God, alone. You are, the most precious gift, I have ever known. The love I feel, is better expressed through actions. I thank God that he sent you my way, Because my love for you gro



Generic poem

I still think about you You will always be part Of my mind and heart It just seems like yesterday We were making plans For a future tried and true   Without warning And out of the blue Things changed I still miss you The mind forgets The heart never does   I will be fine After awhile Though I still miss your smile I have no regrets Nothing is what it seems The heart never forgets   Life moves on In a blink of an eye Everything is gone No need to cry Memories live on



Writing is a passion so I thought I would share

Stripping away I see the truth The truth I am afraid to see The mirror breaks and I am set free I begin anew listening to an inner voice watching from afar this is my choice I live and learn silently contemplating sometimes I still feel the burn I reach the end of this scary journey only beginning to mend Anticipating failure and still stripping away I see the truth the truth I am afraid to see the mirror breaks and I am set free



Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Alright, so just a few days ago I got my first 8-bit. I found this guy on Vintage Computer and he was giving his stuff away. He just wanted shipping for it. Needless to say, I figured I was too late, because he posted it almost a month before I saw the post. I PM'd the guy, just wondering if MAYBE he still had the stuff, since it seemed lots of folks were interested. Low and behold... he still had it. Talk about "luck"...maybe the Atari Gods knew I needed my own stuff! Anyways... I don't



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