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RaRoss' Blog

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The fun

Im having fun with the 2600 label maker that is online. its awesome. I created a few of them and i have posted them up on other topics and the main pic of me. Anyways i havent written here for a while and i still want to unload some of my games that i have that i have been wanting to uload for quite some time. Talk to you all later



My Video Game List

For the first blog, I am going to post my full game list of all the game machines that I have and stuff. If I can edit this, I will otherwise it will be a collection of blogs.   Atari 2600: Adventure Asteroids Astroblast Basic Math Basic Programming Basketball Berzerk Blackjack Bowling Boxing Breakout Burgertime Carnival Casino Centipede Championship Soccer Chopper Command Circus Atari Combat (2 Copies) Commando Raid Crossbow (2 Copies) Defender Dolphin Donkey Kong Do



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