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2600 newbie coder

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Well its been a fairly busy couple of days, been continueing to mess around with the various playfield settings.   been reading through the stella archive again - theres some quality information on that list. many of the questions i had have been asked and answered already there.   Been reading through the dissasembled game files again, alough i dont understand everything stuff like initilisation, screen setup are all going to be fairly standard (otherwise its not going to look nice lol).  



Outline of levels

Ok this is the inital level designs.   Level 1:     Level 2:     Level 3:     Level 4:  



Update on my progress and my first game outline...

Ok today will be reading through the PIA information and makeing a pretty list like i did with the TIA.   more pondering of the playfield today - I think im getting closer to understanding it. funny how stuff like this leads on to tangents, I was sat there thinking "what if i wanted to do a multi level game with loads of screens - carts are avalible now with 64k of space.... " this lead onto looking at how to actualy write a game over 2k (fun but i wanted to save that till I had mastered the



Just finished reading the TIA document

I am suprised such a small document can contain so much usefull information.   I went back to it after reading the tutorial in the newbie section and it made alot more sence the second time round.   I also subscribed to the stella mailing list so hopefully i can pick up a few tips there as well (the 10 years of archived posts will help alot i think many of my questions are going to be answered in that archive.)     On another point, today I receved Realsports soccer and fishing derby! muh



First demo on the z26!

I have spent the last 3 days reading up on the 2600 system and how its coded.   I have done z80 assembly about 10 years ago however my understanding is quite rusty and to be fair alot of the spesifics i did rember dont aply (WHAT NO INTERUPTS!) haha.   however the principles are the same so hopefully it will not be like starting from scratch again.   Well they say the journey of a 1000 miles starts with but a single step and i feel i have taken such a step today!   Spent the day reading



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