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New purchases, projects, and other assorted goodies!

Entries in this blog

Systems I own & enjoy.

After reading JBoy's blog about systems that didn't make through his selling extravoganza, I posted a reply about my systems that I have sold off. I also thought that it would be fun to share what systems that made it through my screening process and onto my must own list.   Atari 2600 - This is my largest collection with 186 games and no doubles. It is also one of my favorite systems to collect and play.   Odyssey 2 - This is an overlooked system that has many fun and cheap games.   Colec




Today when I came home for lunch I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me in the mail. It was my copy of Actionauts that Rob so generously gave to me for low low price of $0. After work I got some time to sit down and play some Actionauts. I got to the 5th level which was the first level that I had to actually think to complete. Unfortunatly I found a bug in the game and couldn't complete the level. My arrows all turned to a garbled mess and I couldn't tell what I was programing the robot to do



800XL and DK update

I got my 800XL w/256k upgrade, 1010 tape drive, and 1050 disk drive/with happy upgrade in the mail yesterday. I spent what time I could yesterday typing in a game program but only got 1/2 way done before bedtime. I only have Frogger and Star Raiders for it so far but I plan on getting a multicart & SIO2PC cable next.   I received my Donkey Kong control panel in the mail a few days ago and have it hooked up. Now the only thing keeping me from playing DK is one little stinkin 7 pin power cab



Update for DK cab

I got my Donkey Kong board and harness installed. I can't check it because the video cable is cut off at one end and I don't have a sound cable. I ordered both cable from Quarter Arcade for $10 each. Once those arrive I will be able to test the board but I still won't be able to play until I get a Control Panel. I found one for $85 so that will be my next purchase. After I get the CP all that I have left is cosmetic stuff to buy for it. Hopefully the board works fine so that I don't have to buy



Donkey Kong has arrived!

When I left my house to go back to work after lunch I stopped by the mailbox to get my mail. Upon opening my box I noticed that I had a large package. I instantly knew what it was. My DK board and wiring harness has arrived. Now I'm sitting in work with 1 hour and 9 minutes remaining until I can go home and hook up my board to see if it works. I will keep you all posted once I get this baby hooked up and running.



My new project and some soon to be purchases

To start things off I just want to let everybody know that this is my first post of my first blog. I will be updating with my projects and any new purchases for my collections. I'll also make sure to put any interesting stories of my life as they come up.   Right now I am working on converting my Nintendo VS. Unisystem into a Donkey Kong. For those of you that don't know I recently got a free VS. Unisystem from the local Salvation Army. I spent some money and time fixing it up to look brand s



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