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Projects, Game Development, Atari ST

Entries in this blog

Atari ST homebrew unheard of?

After many weeks of ordering the software / hardware I need for my 1040ST (thank you Cassidy!) I can now focus on the projects that I have announced in the ST / TT forums. The projects are in the design stages of development and they are already taking shape. I'm excited! While most of my threads haven't received any posts, I have received enthusiastic responses outside the message board about these games.   I'm wondering, though... is Atari ST Homebrew development a touchy subject on these b



Atari ST Project Ninja Z updates!

Some additional details on the project:   Tentative Title: Ninja Z Number of players: 2 Number of selectable chars: 3 Target Platform: Atari ST Levels: (Numerous # is undetermined)) Game / system specs: (Undetermined at this time)   Details on the project can be found in this thread:   http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?s...=0#entry1489253



2D sprite art for project idea

I spent some time this evening working on a new sprite design for the project idea listed earlier. The idea is to have 2-players and arcade-like action.     Any comments you may have about the idea and test image are welcome!



First order of business

:!:   I'm working on a few game ideas that I would really like to develop on the Atari ST and possibly other platforms. This game was a bit obscure and not very popular, but I've always had a deep love for Ninja Mission by Masteronics. This was a fun beat 'em up; the purpose of the game was to fight through a horde of thugs to confront the final end boss. There was no scrolling to speak of and each screen was static. Each level could be reached through a small hole in the ceiling. Pressing 'u



Welcome to my Blog!

The purpose of this blog is to post updates of any projects that I may be working on. It will also be used as a platform to generate discussions on technology, and most importantly -- the Amiga and Atari ST computers.   Some background on myself: I design websites for a living. I'm also a PC tech that repairs / builds computers for a living and also as a hobby. I also collect unwanted computer equipment from people looking to throw things away; I collect everything!   I have years of 2D draw



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