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A look into the various pitfalls and promises of an AtariAger in Metro Detroit

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Knee deep in ultra-commons

Well, this last week has seen the direct deposit of my stimulus check. I had planned to use part of it to buy a rather large Atari 5200 lot, but, alas, Uncle Sam took HALF! With my vehicle needing repairs, I have very little to use for my collection. During a trip to Taylor Town Trade Center, I asked one of the game dealers if he had anything new in, to which he replyed "Yeah, I just brought in a whole Rubbermaid tub full of stuff in!" I was ecstatic, as he charges a flat rate of $2 for 2600 gam



This weekend's finds

Well, as some may know, my collection is under major construction, as I just recently started collecting again. This weekend brought some decent finds, for a start. By Sunday night, I had found the following in various places:   R-Type (Sega Master System)   And for 2600:   Popeye Super Cobra Bowling Maze Craze Gorf Centipede Joust Grand Prix   Not a bad haul at $1 apiece, especially as this only brings my 2600 library up to 43 cartridges! I found some others, but unfortunately, I



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