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I got a job in Seattle for a major company. I should be getting back to my game once my move is settled, but I have a zillion loose ends to wrap up before doing so.   This job is going to be a defining moment in my career, I think.



Figuring Stuff Out

It's taken me a few days to understand how sprites are supposed to work. I've got a single sprite working in the office game, but it still needs serious cleanup so I'm not going to show it (despite saying I would). I was finding it impossible to do everything on one scanline, so I ended up doubling them up to get more cycles, which worked out pretty well except for the lower sprite resolution.   Anyway. I was playing around with colors and I'd like to do something simulating motion with color



Office Intern game #2

I decided to change the playfield to a symmetric board. Doing an asymmetric one was taking too many cycles and I doubt it would have worked with the plans I have for the sprites. I also tried testing alternating frames (30Hz flicker) but it was horrible so I scrapped that idea real fast. On the brighter side, I found a way to alternate the floor pattern in fewer cycles. (It's supposed to represent a hard wood floor.) It was 14 cycles before, now it's 9 cycles. I also decided to drop the analog c



Office Intern game

A few days ago I had a concept come to me for a new game targeting the Atari 2600, so I began working on it. It's my first game so I spent a few days going through the programming tutorials. I found them comprehensive and well written, although I haven't finished the last remaining chapters on sprites.   I have the rules and playfield designed but I'm a little stuck on trying to squeeze in the scanline code to fit within 76 cycles. Currently it's running past the screen edge and I haven't even



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