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They might be fun, so the title's not THAT misleading...

Entries in this blog

Well geeze... it's been awhile.

I'd like to apologize for neglecting this blog, which I thought would become more of an ongoing thing. I see that my last post was around November '08, which is around the time I started a new job. I'm still employed with the same company, though now I'm up in the strange (not so), exotic (still not so) land of Alaska.   I've been active on a few other sites as of late, so I thought I'd pop back on AtariAge in order to see if I can pick this up again. Maybe an entry here and there, possibly a



Diary of a "Growing Collector" [#1]

I'm not one who personally likes to "blog" on every single step he takes during the day.. ..however..   ...I thought it would be interesting to document the history of my collection throughout the months, seeing as I currently have a VERY small collection of Atari games. I'll also be giving a sort-of "commentary" regarding the collection, documenting how I received each game.   First of all [to whom ever reads], I would like to say that I am GREATLY impressed with all of the collections I s



Thrift store blues...

I figured I would start up a blog regarding an environment many of us probably see when we're out there hunting for classic titles at a [usually] reasonable price; The almighty thrift store.   When people think of "Thrift stores", usually mainstream names come in to mind.. Salvation Army, Goodwill, Value Village, the list goes on... of course, depending on the town, theres also a variety of individual thrift stores, owned by another non-profit organization. Garage sales and flea markets could



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