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The trials and tribulations of an EB Games manager

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Hidden "treasures"

EB Games was famous for taking trade-ins (at usually sucky prices for mad markups later) and a big trade-in item was the Playstation 2. As many know, there was a space inside to put a hard drive. After one particular experience where the customer asked for the system back for a moment, opened the door on the back and grabbed something out of it, I made the crew start opening the door to check for anything we probably would not want other customers to have before resale. Here is the top ten list



Sega Dreamcast and the hell of 9/9/99

So, I was at EB Games a mere month and I had my first system release...the mighty and lovable Sega Dreamcast! Just before the debut, I had my first EB Managers meeting in Orlando, FL at the Disney Swan hotel. Alcohol and free swag! Yes, various video game companies, shower me with gifts and t-shirts!!! Anyways, the first day went relatively easy except for that pesky Midway games problems that none of them would work in the system and later released with "HOT! NEW!" stickers. I had 100 Dreamcast



Day one of hell

Ok, just like it says on the title. Hell. Molded into a managerial gig that ended with me leaving and surprisingly, not grabbing a boomstick and heading for a clock tower.   I worked at an Electronics Boutique (the original EB Games name since at first, the company was more Radio Shack than video game store) in Long Island, NY. I had left another manager position because the human resources head hated me since I wasn't down with playing her reindeer games and told me point blank I'd never get



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