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Classic Gaming In The 21st Century

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My Pool of Radiance Quest Comes To An Unexpected End

I was just starting to really get into it. I was originally worried about how much grinding would be needed - I mean, the D&D ruleset doesn't exactly let you level up quickly. My mage with 3hp was always a sitting duck as well. However, I made it in and out of several treks through the slums, and even completed a fetch quest for a wizard named Ohlo.   I levelled up my fighters and clerics (I had 2 of each in my party), and only needed a few XP more for my magic user. I decided that my



Replaying Pool of Radiance on the Amiga in 2011

After being in the mood for some turn-based CRPG gaming for a few months, and listening to the latest Armchair Arcade podcast that had a recap of the SSI Gold Box series, I decided to fire up my Amiga 500 and start Pool of Radiance from scratch. It's a game I played on the c64 back in the day, but I never got very far. I know I never finished it. I don't even know how I got the Amiga disks, but there they were... it's the only version I haven now, so I thought it'd be fun to give it a shot a



My Trip To Funspot - Part 3 - The Retrogaming Roundup Games

I'm a big fan of the Retrogaming Roundup podcast, and there were a bunch of games that were kind of fun to see and play at Funspot either because I heard about them through RGR's "It Came From MAME" segment, or they were talked about in a Top 10 (a couple months ago was Top 10 Atari Coin-Ops, for instance).   First of all, Quantum is indeed awesome. I'd never heard of this until UK Mike picked it for the Top 10 Atari coin-ops and I was blown away. The monitor in the cab they had looked brand



My Trip to Funspot - Part 2 - Games I Never Heard Of

The second reason Funspot was so awesome was that not only could I replay games of my youth, or try out games I always wanted to play; but having 200+ games there were a lot of games I never even heard of. There were two arcades in my hometown, but neither one was huge, and like I said before, I was too young to drive to them so I didn't see everything. I discovered a lot of cool titles at Funspot - check these out in MAME when you get a chance.   I'll start with my favorite - Pulsar by Grem



My Trip to Funspot - Part 1 - The Arcade Experience

What was the most fun for me was (re)discovering the real arcade atmosphere and the arcade games themselves. I've always been more of a home gamer - I'd rather put the $5 towards a cartridge than spend it on a few minutes of fun. Don't get me wrong, I like arcade games, but I always played home games more. Didn't help that I wasn't even a teenager during the arcade heyday, so getting to and from the arcade wasn't easy, and nowadays it's just a lot cheaper. Funspot made me remember the huge g



My Trip To Funspot - Intro

I posted this as a thread over at the GameGavel forums here, but I figured this would be a good way to kick off my new AA blog as well. I thought people here might enjoy it.   My wife's parents moved to NH a couple years ago, and ever since I've been itching to take a day and drive up to Funspot. Finally got a chance over Thanksgiving - here's my report. I have a lot to talk about so I'm going to break it up into sections. First, here's what you see walking into the place:   The Wall of



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