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Bfg's Blog

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Developpement diary

Want to see the development of an Colecovision game step by step ? (In french sorry ...).   Only at :   http://bfg-gamepassion.blogspot.com/  



What i'm coding now

I'm working on generic/reusable routine for action game.   First : A structure for "TimeLine". The aim is to trigger action at a certain "time" or place on screen/scrolling.   Example :   At 5 seconds : Trigger 4 ennemy of type Monster 1, with movement type Movement 1, define start position of all ennemy At 10 seconds : Trigger 1 ennemy of type Monster 2, with IA movement 1 , ... At 15 secondes : Trigger an object bonus at position 0,0 With no movement At 20 seconds : Loop at 20 seconds



Can't code today :( :(

My wife have a job meeting in Paris, so she take my work bag and ... all my usb key with all my sources code !!   Yesterday i haven't make a local backup cause i've seen Scream 4 in cinema ... so today, i can't work on the next game :(   Damn girls ... :)



Magical Shooter, the source code

Back in 2004, i've trying do to something on PC,Linux,Gp32 and Dreamcast with SDL and an unified game library i've made.   To test that i've find a shoot'em up source code with some graphics and the result on PC is that (sorry for the bad video) :   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34cXDdpqwg8   The source code, compilable with DEVC++ is here :   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PM86YDT0   The .zip contains source code for the game, and source code of my game library for PC, Dreamcast and GP



Lock'n chase Release Candidate 1.0 done

So the game contain everything now, pause, extra life ... I hope i've done something good Now taking some rest and waiting for puzzli to show up on cartridge   (And i'm begining slowly but surely a new game for coleco).



Coding sound ...

The sound coding process has begun. And it's not so hard as it look. But i'm not musician talented.   So for the moment i've got a sound for :   - Getting gold coin (blip) - Making a door (prrrrrr) - Catching a bonus (tulutututu) - Be catch by a cop (little music ) - And a repeating sound during you play. I must arrange it (bip bop bup bip bop bup)   That's all for the moment. I've contacted newColeco to have more information about sound and have better understanding of what i'm doi



Lock'n Chase graphics and coding part done

I've just finished the graphic part and coding part of Lock'n Chase. Now the harder part for me come : the sound fx. Don't know how many time it will take to find the "good" sound ...   Sounds needed (from the arcade game) :   1 continuing (and annoying :) )sound during all the game 3 different sound when you get gold coin 1 shot sound when you close door 1 little jingle when bonus appear 1 sound when you take bonus 1 little jingle when you loose life   Total 8 sfx to do.



Lock'n Chase fully playable

Lock'n Chase Colecovision adaptation is now fully playable. It's time to include hiScore, bios screen, design attract screen, design gameOver screen, design sound, and add more animation to the sprite.   For the moment the game content 10 Levels (0-Easy 10-Hard), i count on 25 levels to reach Hard mode in the final version.



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