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TurboForth V1.2 - Still on the boil!

Well, in case anyone was wondering, TurboForth V1.2 is still not ready for release. However, it's not due to apathy - the project is very very much alive.   The number of improvements in this release are almost too much to remember! I'll try and remember some of them: Case sensitivity is now user selectable The word -! (subtract and store) is superfluous and has been removed. If required for legacy code it can be defined as follows: : -! ( value address--) SWAP NEGATE SWAP +! ; RND ha



Case Sensitivity

A few days ago I added case insensitivity to TurboForth. When you are working on a real TI, you tend to engage the Alpha Lock key and leave the keyboard in upper case mode. However, if using via emulation then you normally have your caps lock switched off (in lower case). It always annoyed me that the system couldn't recognise load but could recognise LOAD. I mean, it's the same word!!   So, I finally added the code so that it doesn't matter anymore. Basically, as text is entered from the keyb



TurboForth V1.2 - nearly ready

Well, I think TurboForth version 1.2 is pretty much ready for release. Just gonna let it run for a while to see if any bugs shame themselves out.   Bug fixes and other improvements. I think all the *known* bugs are shaken out of it. Also some improvements to the interrupt mechanism (simplification, making it slightly faster) a fixed LEAVE (previous versions had a flaw) and some other stuff. I'm very pleased with it, but TurboForth V1.x has come to the end of the road now, I think. This will be



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