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So this one time I didn't have a reliable computer for around a year. Now I have a fancy new macbook! And with a reliable computer, I can do online things! hot damn!



summer's over

well, tomorrow i go back to school. that means waking up at 6:00, doing homework and less gaming. I recently got a bunny, I wanted to name him Sir Floppem Hat but I was told that name was stupid. So I just call him bun bun. My friend with the house full of videogames went to college, so if i want to dig more i have to wait till christmas. She did end up letting me look in the guest room closet, but i found nothing of interest... I think I should clean the house up today, mostly because it smells



struck gold

You know those families that always bought their kids all the new videogame systems and they got new games practically everytime they went to the store? well, I got to dig in that families attic . I literally tripped over a Turbographix 16. I've been promised all the atari stuff in their house! unfortunatly, their house is quite... dissorganized. they share it with their 10 dogs (i swear, at least 10), and a cat that likes to pee on things. so yeah, but on my first adventure in search of atari




The L Word is a wonderful show. I watched the 1st season DVD again with Caitlin. Alice is my favorite because she's the sassy one.god, i'm so tired.i lost my jag controller, i have no idea where i put it. it's starting to worry me, i hope it didn't run away from home like 1/2 of our NES collection did in the late 80s



at the airport

well, well. the free SAS boardroom passes turned out to be pretty sweet. this room has free food, newspapers and computers! my next flight doesn't leave for another um.. three hours. You know what's large? the Chicago airport. yeah.. but strangely it runs much smoother than the Anchorage airport.. gah, i haven't really slept yet. i dozed off on the plane a bit.. i had 6 hours to.i wish i had an atari flashback, to fit in my backpack and whip out whenever i felt like it. i'm so buying one when th




I'm posting again!! oh my!!!well, today is Sean's birthday party, and when Sean has a party it's always good. this one might be lame though, because his girlfriend was in charge of it... Lauren is the worst party planner of all time Lauren: "we can all go to the zoo and then miniture golfing!"me: "how about we do something NOT expensive and actually fun instead?"I swear sometimes that Lauren has the same tastes as a 10 year old..but anyways, it'll have alchol. so it's all good. and i hope we wat




Tomorrow is my last day of school! and oh boy, finals!! yeah, i have a lot to do tomorrow like my econ, precalc final then return my track stuff then go see my counselor about my schedual and then... that's it. I was going to show off my 2600 or Jag at school during the classes i don't have a final in, but Laura rained on my sunshine parade and told me that was stupid. i think it's a good idea. i showed some people a tape i made of AVP and they were pretty impressed. only person who wasn't impre



going to the cabin

gah... today is Robot's birthday. I'm going up to the cabin soonly.. well, maybe not. Laura was supposed to be here about half an hour ago. So, I called her house and i was informed that she was still sound asleep and had told her family that she was leaving around noon... grrr . she really likes sleeping. but now she should be here in about another half an hour. I found a very unique LCD game for Robot at Salvation army. It's shaped like a stealth bomber and in the back of it is the display. i



i really don't have a title..

*drumroll* i don't have any form of hepititus! yesss! stupid blood bank.... i took three tests today, and i have to say that is too much testing. german, physics and math. gah. stupid reflexive tences, electric currents and circuts, and infinite series....time to go earn some $$.




it's finally all nice and green again. it's like winter never existed. i've been playing adventures of tron too much. it's not even that great of a game, but i sit and play it for hours at a time.when i get the money for the yardwork i've been doing i'll go pawn shopping again, hopefully i'll find something good. last time all i saw were some old nintendo and genisis games. and the sountrack to Kazam. the blood bank wrote me a letter telling me that i have been exposed to hepititus B. i can't co



ha ha!

Kara: 1 Paddles:0after countless failed attempts i managed to fix my (and robot's) set of paddles. They are now jitter-free. i'd call him now and tell him, but i doubt he'd be that excited. he's not very excitable. I wish I hadn't given him Pitfall! to play, he doesn't like it and now i'm in the mood to play it. (We bought a lot of games/controllers off of ebay so we share.)AP psych test went okay. i can't discuss any of it or the AP test police will get me and i'll get a class one felony slappe




I just finished two and a half hours of yard work. oh boy, fun stuff.I have my AP psych test tomorrow...which i should really study for. i don't wanna waste $82.gah. i'm tired.




Last night was prom. i didn't go.. for a variety of reasons. like lack of $ and that i didn't want to. I did want to go to Sean's after prom party, but i got too sleepy. oh well.I made an exciting discovery yesterday. With our new TV, and by new i mean our only TV made after 1989, I can record basketball and play videogames at the same time. it's wonderful. A zombie is nearbut I don't have any fearthank you flamethrowerhaikus are fun. i want to loosely base a game off this one.



Another Blog?

Well well, it seems that I have another blog. I guess I'll use this one to rant/rave about all the nerdy things that no one who reads my other blog understands. So yeah, about me... hm. Systems I own (in the order I aquired them) :Nintendo Entertainment SystemSega GenisisPlaystation 2Super Nintendo (minus the power cord )Atari VCSAtari JaguarI just got the Jaguar less than a month ago for $40 at a pawn shop. It came with AVP, Cybermorph, a controller, the cybermorph overlay and one of the AVP



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