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Lynx Game List Part 2

To Lynx Game List Part 1     Malibu Bikini Volleyball Cart-Curved Manual Box ROM Debug Rom Screenshot Marble Madness ROM Screenshot Marlboro Go! *Demo* Cart- Green PCB 1, Red PCB(English set with red Lynx), White PCB(German set with red Lynx) ROM Screenshot Mechtiles Info Screenshot MegaPak Vol 1 Cart-Black PCB 1 Box Screenshot Metal Mutant Info Moon Patrol ROM Screenshot Mortal Kombat II (Slide Show-

Lynx Game List Part 1

I wanted a complete list of Lynx games. There are a lot of lists out there but none quite seemed complete. Atari Smeghead has a nice list for the cart variations. With his permission I am using his list as a start and plan to add more games and info on each to the list. Where convenient I will probibly just link to sites that have the info I want for a particular game. Suggestions and comments are welcome.   To Lynx Game List Part 2   3-D Demo Info ROM Screenshot Tips, Cheats,

Software and Developement

Converting 128K ROM to 256K Bjoern Spruck's site Turbo Laser's site Yaronet forum development section Dayzynne&Cooper projects James's Site Matthias's site Laurens Simonis's site Harry's site Fadest's site Project list on AtariAge DevLynx site 42Bastian's site Bjoern Spruck's site Diary of an Atari Lynx developer Alex Thissen's site Sebastian Mihai's site Zophar's site CC65- the 6502 C compiler Hatena::Diary

Forums And Info

AtariAge   The Atari Times   Rarity Guide   Price Charting   Retro Video Gamer (Reviews) -Atari Lynx Games A-Z Review Guide -Interviews including Super Fighter Team and Songbird -Lynx Discussion   Atari.org   Atari Home (German Forum)   Atari Community (Forum)   Telegames   Retro Uprising (Post High Scores)   Super Fighter Team (Facebook)

Buy Lynx Games and Systems

Best Electronics   Songbird Productions   Video 61   TELEGAMES   B&C Computer Visions   eStarland   Console Passion   Super Fighter Team (Zaku)   Duranik (Alpine Games)   The Atari Shop (Lynxopoly, Flash Card)   Good Deal Games (Homebrews)   Video Game Source   16/32 Systems   Beta Phase|Games (HomeBrews)   Game Gavel (Game Auction)   Gamesmen   Konsolenkos
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