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The 7th Clone of Antron

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My GyroPed

Every farm needs a workhorse, and this is mine:It was designed and built by me, An7ron. The legs rotate 360 degrees to propel the vehicle and can spring the craft into the air if needed. It is made almost completely of Buckminium alloy, and its design required two entire units of the light and sturdy metal. Being that the Guild requires the Registration of all units of Buckminium, and that only two Registrations are allowed per lifetime, its construction has been quite a drain on my resources



The Rab-bit

After a fly-by through my humble farm, his ship passed over the woods and disappeared behind the great volcano. The woods are inhabited with peaceful animals, such as this rabbit:While scouting for signs of my brother’s presence, I discovered a new species for this area: An ill force is at work here.



The Unwanted Guest

I only wish to be left alone. The wars of my home-world are no concern of mine. Therefore, I do not understand why my brother has come here, nor do I understand how he has found me. I am a simple farmer now. I am one with nature. My everyday actions are attempts to amend the abomination that is my existence. I must discover his intentions. His very arrival jeopardizes the innocence that this planet enjoys. Is my presence here a liability? My worst fears are unfolding.



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