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Each day I wake up with a song in my head.

Entries in this blog

11/30/15 - Photograph

I've been busy and could not think of who sang this song. It finally hit me yesterday so I'm putting it up. For the past 10 days, my sleeping habits have been horrible and I can't say any one song has been there when I woke up. So there are no entries from 12/1 to 12/10. This was the one on 11/30, so I"m posting it. I knew the song, couldn't find it when typing the title, until I remembered the band. It is Photograph by Def Leppard. Phil



11/29/15 - Whistle While You Work

I was waiting for a cartoon song to appear. I love singing cartoons and this one was in my head when I got up this morning. Of course it's Snow White singing it. Have fun. Phil



11/28/15 - Silent Night

I was dreaming right before I woke up. I was talking to my aunt about when I used to be church organist and how the priest always said I played Silent Night too slow, so I was singing it in my dream fast. I told her that he probably wouldn't have been happy with the speed even if it was fast. Then I woke up. I haven't been church organist in 10 years. And everything I just mentioned is actually true. I used to play the song and have one of my choir members sing the first verse in German. It wa



11/27/15 - Let's Go All the Way

Here is a song that I thought was always cool, though you'd have to listen to the words in the verses carefully to figure them out. The refrain is pretty easy, "Let's Go All the Way". This is by Sly Fox. If you grew up in the 80s, you'll probably remember this one. Phil



11/26/15 - Lucky Star

This morning was Lucky Star by Madonna. With my brain trying to come up with that song from the other day, Madonna crossed my mind and I went searching through her songs to see if there was a faint possibility she sang that unknown song. This probably put Lucky Star in my head for today. Phil



11/25/15 - Trisagion

This song is a religious one, written by my mentor and his brother. They have talent. Most of what my style of music was influenced was by him. There names are Jules and Marty Rotella. The band name at the time was called Tranquil Sun and this song was published in the mid-1980s. It is titles Trisagion. The piano introduction was extremely tough to learn to play, though I play by ear, so I had no sheet music. The first time I heard this song, I was lying in bed with my headphones and it was play



11/25/15 - Philadelphia Freedom

Not sure why, but I woke up 3 times this morning before I finally got up. All three times Philadelphia Freedom was going in my head again. Since this is a repeat song, I'm not going to link it again. Still working on yesterday's entry, which it's possible it was an early Madonna song, so I'm checking those to see. But the voice seems to have a slightly higher pitch than Madonna, though hers has changed over the years. Phil



11/23/15 - ?

Had this song in my head when I woke up. Thing is I have no idea what the song is or who sings it. The singer sounds similar to Brenda K Star, and no it isn't I Had a Dream. I can sing a bit of the refrain tune, but can't pinpoint the words. I tried goggling what I thought were the lyrics. No luck. It's definitely a female and I'm 99% certain it's from the 80s. It's also not These Dreams by Heart. If someone can come up with a female singer with a voice similar to Brenda K Star, then maybe it'll



11/22/15 - Don't Talk to Strangers

Didn't realize who sang this when it was in my head this morning. Don't Talk to Strangers by Rick Springfield. Right after I got up This One's For You came back in my head and wouldn't leave, so I had to write the title of this song down before I forgot what was the song. Enjoy. Phil



11/21/15 - None

I woke up today with no song in my head. I did wake up a few times before and thought about some of the songs previously, but today was a bust. We'll see in the morning if anything comes. Phil



11/20/15 - This One's For You

Haven't thought too much of Barry Manilow lately as I don't usually play stations that would have his music, but This One's For You came into my head today. I always liked many Manilow songs. Phil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw1kBbs0bCc



11/19/15 - The Letter

I thought I was going to be stumped by this one. Woke up and the song was in my head. Thing is pretty much the only thing that was going through my head was the music and the lyrics "wrote me a letter". So I did a Google search with just typing that and came up with Joe Cocker. Then discovered that was wrong. The next entry was The Letter by The Box Tops. That was it! This is a song I've probably heard dozens of times if not over 100 in my life. But I never paid too much attention to the lyrics.



11/18/15 - Against the Wind

Today was Against the Wind by Bob Seger. I just wanted to point out that the songs I wake up to are really in my head, and I'm not just making up songs every day for the fun of it. My wife thinks I'm nuts sharing this to the world as she says I always do crazy things. If there is a day when I don't wake up with a song, I'll post that too. Phil EDIT: 11/19/15 - Decided to add links to the songs so people can listen to what's in my head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8x9oNZ7CcI Can't



11/17/15 - Philadelphia Freedom

Just got up and going through my head was Philadelphia Freedom by Elton John. I was dreaming of being in school. Though I'm a teacher, many times I dream that I'm the student. Though the dream had nothing to do with the song. Phil EDIT: 11/19/15 - Decided to add links to the songs so people can listen to what's in my head.



11/16/15 - The Tide Is High

Had some personal issues with my car today and didn't have time to post this earlier. Today my eyes opened with The Tide Is High in my head by Blondie. Little did I know I was going to face a personal tide. Anyway, we'll see what tomorrow brings. Phil EDIT: 11/19/15 - Decided to add links to the songs so people can listen to what's in my head. Just watched part of this video and noticed Darth Vader looking at Blondie. How funny.



11/15/15 - Because I Love You

Today I woke up to this song. I had to do a search with google and listen on Youtube to see who sang it. The song was Because I Love You by Stevie B. I've always been big on love songs, and I wouldn't doubt the majority of songs that come into my head would be ballads. I Invite everyone if you never have heard of the songs I list to give them a listen. That is why I put the artist's name. As Nathan pointed out in my 1st entry, there are many versions of the title Heart and Soul. As a teache



11/14/15 - Heart and Soul

I've been meaning to create a blog for the past couple of weeks about this. I'm a dreamer. No, not that type of dreamer who sits around and thinks what can be or what I can be doing. I have dreams pretty much each night I sleep. My dreams are in color too, as I've remembered specific colors over the years. But anyway, this blog isn't about the dreams, but every time I wake up for the day, there is some song spinning in my head. I have no idea why songs are in my head. Sometimes if I wake up duri



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