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My look into the worst games in history

Entries in this blog

One Star Gaming #5

"The Epic Struggle of Bug Versus Pumpkin"   Fire Fly for Atari 2600   The scene for this entry is a long, boring Saturday afternoon. Most of my friends have gone out to have fun without me. I am now home alone with a couple of hours to fill before any chance of human interaction comes my way again. I sit thinking about what I can do to fill this empty, hopeless time. "I know!" I say to myself. "I'll play Fire Fly!"   The above story is true, and it does say a lot about what goes into the b



One star gaming #4

"For the New Generation"   Captain Silver for the Sega Master System   Some bad games really are funnier than others. The mere thought of a game like Club Drive or E.T. always brings a smile to my face. Some games, however, don't even have that redeeming quality about them. They are simply lousy games that don't entertain or provide any unintentional pleasure. A more pressing problem about this second type of bad game is that it's very difficult to write about. Bad games are much easier when



One Star Gaming #3

"My Kind of Reward"   White Men Can't Jump for Atari Jaguar   In early 2007 I reached a very important milestone in my somewhat short history of video game collecting. I was sitting on 499 games ready to pass 500. At the time I really felt like it was a major accomplishment. As I drove to my local video game store I knew that I needed to get something really special for number 500. I was looking for the kind of game I would never forget as long as I lived. I guess I could've got something of




Has it been 15 months already? I really gotta write on this thing more often. I read my two articles and they were both pretty funny. Maybe I'll do that again sometime.



One star gaming #2

"The Quest for Disillusionment   Hydlide for the NES   When I was a kid I got suckered into playing with a lot of bad toys because they were advertized as beeing cool or special. I would believe just about anything the toy companies told me. I had a similar problem with video games. I had a tendency to hold games in higher regard of they were old. I thought that they would transport me back to another time. The problem was that I really didn't understand what old meant. Because of this, I as



one star gaming #1

"Just like in those action movies"   Club Drive for Atari Jaguar   Occasionally I will have a friend come over to my house who has never seen an Atari Jaguar and wants to know what it is all about. I never get tired of showing this thing off, and eventually I will get around to the quality games which usually impress my friends. Before I do this, however, there is something that I have to show them first.   If you are a fan of Club Drive, you might know where I'm going with this



A new focus

I'm making a new focus on this thing that finally relates to video games. I'm going to talk about my strange fascination with really bad games. Hopefully I'll profile games that I think are really bad, talk about why they are so bad, and rationalize my need to play them so much. This one should be fun.



Oh well...

I had big plans for this thing, but I don't seem to be able to update my blog from my home computer. I guess I'll either have to get a new computer, use a friend's computer, or just forget about it completely. Life is hard sometimes.




Well I sure haven't updated this thing in a while. I just realized today that next week is my last week of summer vacation. After that, I start my senior year of college. It always shocks me how old I am. Overall I guess my summer has been good. I wish I would have went to the doctor much earlier so I wouldn't have spent most of it worried about my health. I did get my favorate haircut and play a couple of real rock shows so I would call the whole thing a sucess.(Video game tie-in!) This summer



topic name required

I really wish I could think of something more interesting to do with my blog. I should at least update more often. Nothing much to report in Nester land. I'm still on summer vacation catching up on my video games. I go to the Game Exchange too much because it's so close to home now. My Ataris are all still broken and I need to get one of them fixed. I really need to get on that. I don't want my life to pass me by without ever accomplishing anything!



I'm bald

Well I haven't posted on my blog in a while. I have a good opportunity now because I can't update my livejournal. The clock on the computer went into the future and I have to wait till time catches up with itself. I celebrated summer vacation by shaving my head. It's really fun and I'm glad I finally did it. Everyone out there should try it, especially the ladies. Now the novelties starting to wear off and I'm getting back to my normal life. I think I'll keep the bald look for a while even thoug



I'm just learning as I go

Well I created this blog days ago, and nobody ever looked at it. I was starting to get a little upset when I viewed it without logging in and realized that it was blank! I've got this thing all figured out now and hopefully my blog won't be all the way at the bottom.I've been packing all day today for my trip back home. I got through another semester of college alive. It seems that about half of what I packed was video game related. It definately impressed people here on campus, and I'm kinda go




Hmm, I don't really know what the point of this one is, not that I ever skip an opportunity to write about myself. Also, I'll know if anyone's looking. I hope that doesn't ruin my self-esteem. Blog is such a real word now that it's not even funny.



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