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About this blog

This is where I document my journey of learning how to program for the Motorola 68000. The microprocessor which powered the Sega Genesis, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, and many others.


Perhaps you'll learn a thing or two. If not, maybe you can laugh at my newbie mistakes?

"The choices are yours and yours alone!" - Legends of The Hidden Temple

Entries in this blog

Day 6

I haven't been actively doing this as much recently, I've had the sudden urge to play some Sonic, and, well, you know how that goes..   But yeah, at this point I've learned the majority of the bit-specific instructions. The ones I've learned over the last few days are:   or eor bset bclr bchg I'll briefly go over each of them.   The "or" instruction is similar to the "and" instruction I talked about last time. What it does is compare the bits of the source and des



Day 4

This one is a bit more laid-back compared to the last entries. I had some irl stuff going on with my little sister...   So anyway, today I dipped my toes into some basic bit-specific instructions. Those being, and and not.     In order to understand how these instructions work, you need to first understand what the data equals in binary. Starting off with the not instruction, what it does is reverse the "bits" in binary for the amount of data specified. (e.g, if a bit is



Day 3 (copied from status update on 7/26/2021)

Well, now I've got some new instructions under my belt. It's still the really basic stuff mind you (add, sub, swap, clr, exg etc.), but now I've got a decent handle on what it's like to move memory around. Right now I'm trying to memorize the technicalities (like how you cannot move word or long-word sized data in and out of memory if the address is an odd number, as the 68k will crash with an "address error"), and tomorrow I'll probably dip my toes into bit-specific instructions such as not.



Day 1 (copied from status update on 7/24/2021)

As of today, I've officially started learning 68k Assembly. If you told me 3 years ago that this is how I would be spending my time right now, I absolutely would not agree with you.   To tell you the truth, I'm actually finding this to be a lot easier than I thought it would be. It's definitely not easy in general by any means, but, once I initially wrapped my brain around the basics of computing, this has become a lot easier to understand.   Today I learned the differences b



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