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So there was a power outage in our house about... a few days ago, and when it happened I was so spooked. But then it all turned back on. So, I just brushed things off and continued playing my game.
Until...it happened AGAIN! And then AGAIN! And I was like, Jeebiz!
So I went downstairs and everyone downstairs was there, with flashlights, lanterns, you know...the stuff to use during a power outage or an emergency.

And I was like I wanna play on my Atari, but I cannot right now.

So I was just bored and played on my 2DS with everyone gathered up on the couch. And then I went to sleep, and I woke up the next morning to find out that the power is still on, and right after we plugged the power in, the Power was back! And it wasn't from the generator.

Afterwards, I played my Atari.

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