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The many (mis)adventures of Radio F Software, who is technically no longer known as "Radio F Software" because that label closed in 2008.

Entries in this blog

Radio F (The Group) Partial Back Catalog Now on Spotify

In my previous blog post I opened up about the history of Radio F, the multimedia group I work with, regarding its early years as a comedy troupe and gradual evolution into a game publisher. I skipped over some of its history for the sake of brevity since it wasn't really applicable to the topic at hand but some recent developments have made them relevant again.   From 1995-1999 Radio F existed as a comedy act, and from 2004 onward it became a publisher of games when "Software" was add

The Rise and Fall of Radio F (Software)

The year is 1995. President Bill Clinton is currently on the DL with Monica Lewinsky however it would be a couple of years before that bombshell would come to light. SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron was a runaway success on the newly launched Cartoon Network however it was cancelled after its second season. Microsoft launched the wildly popular Windows 95 operating system and began their reign as the dominant OS provider.   I'm currently in grade school and while I guess you could say I
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