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Join me as I journey to the late 90s and discover all there is to know about Windows NT 4.0/Server, and get the most out of this forgotten, yet, beloved operating system.

Entries in this blog

Part 1: The Setup

Windows NT 4.0 is very interesting, but equally confusing.   Researching what parts were required to get the most out of this operating system while remaining period-correct was a time consuming process. Again, when we're working with a topic this niche, it's very difficult to find any pertinent information. Who documented CAD workstations in the 90s? Very few, as it would seem. Depending on who you are, the project would stop here. For me? This makes it that much more interesting. It'

Part 0: Why?

"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should". It's a valid question, regardless. Why? What's the purpose in spending the time to set something like this up? Why would I do this?   It's fun.   A lot of my computer knowledge came from experimentation. I messed around with whatever machine I had in that moment, and played around with it. Even my earliest PC memories as a four year old playing around on my
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