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Behind the scenes of "Oh Shoot!" 

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1024 Screens!

Check it out!  1024 screens!  When I only had 64 screens I added a gimmick to flip screens upside down at random to give the illusion of extra content.  So all these screens in the gif also have flipped counterparts.   My initial barebones game only had run length encoding.  I could only make 16 screens with limited detail.   Then with a chunk palette I could make 64 screens (still in a 4KB rom).   And then with 32KB I had a lot more freedom.


Piledriver in Art

Where are the Explosions?

Ya know... as important as the title screen is in a game... I think in this game the explosions were far more important since you see them ALL the time.  That's why I made so many versions until I finally made something I was happy with.   Hard to believe I actually thought this looked great at one time.   This one is bigger!  Had to cut a few frames though.  This is the only explosion where I had a special case to do integer scaling in the kernel giving me a larger exp


Piledriver in Art

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