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Behind the scenes of "Oh Shoot!" 

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I wanted to highlight some refinements to polish the game up.  I had plenty of brainstorming sessions on how I could improve the game.   1.  Random initial weapon cooldown value at start of round for computer players. Without this the ships would be shooting perfectly in synch and would often die perfectly in synch... I didn't like that.   2.  Half width front scanner for moving human player. I mentioned this already, but worth mentioning again.  This makes it much


Piledriver in Design


The 2600 has a large well organized color palette.   The colors are crystal clear on an emulator on my computer screen.   The problem is the colors may not look like you expect on a CRT TV.  Here's some bad examples:   The ghosting is so bad on some of these colors you can't even tell what you're looking at!  Here's some good color combos on my CRT (Sony Trinitron): There's still ghosting, but you can tell what you're looking at, a


Piledriver in Design

Scrolling Effects 1

Let's talk about the scrolling effects.   So I had a huge amount of screens for my game, but I didn't want to stop there.  I wanted some sort of animation or movement to my screens.  It would have been nice if I could store multiple frames of animation for the various screens, but it wasn't possible.  I came up with the idea of scrolling the screens in and out both horizontally and vertically!  Most scrolling on Atari games is just cycling the playfield bits in RAM of each row being sc


Piledriver in Design

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