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Behind the scenes of "Oh Shoot!" 

Entries in this blog

Exhibition Mode

I just love exhibition mode!  Not only was it extremely helpful for debugging the game, but it just looks cool.  It adds to the ambiance of a retro gaming room.  Sometimes I'm doing something on my computer and I just like to see the Oh Shootians out of the corner of my eye.  By the way exhibition mode is in the demo.    


Piledriver in Design


I want to discuss how the ships changed over time.  They actually have names by the way.  This is how they appeared originally.   I had some interesting ideas for the Destroyer.  I wanted the shot trajectories to be different based on your input.  If you press up or down while firing your shot does a wide zig-zaggy path and doesn't cross the midpoint of the ship's position from the time it fired (first two paths below).  If you weren't pressing up or down the shot would do a half


Piledriver in Design

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