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CX2601 Tee Shirt at ThinkGeek

So, as some of you know, I got a job at ThinkGeek last year, and I've been pestering the swag team with a plethora of arcane ideas for tee shirts basically since day one. Lots of them get turned down because "it would take someone ten minutes to get this joke." I can understand how having someone stop you on the street so they could stare at your chest for ten minutes might make potential customers uncomfortable. I have had one idea actually make it to print before today, but this one I'm reall

Jacob Rose

Jacob Rose

Northern Washington State Stopoff...

On vacation in Washington State and on my way to the San Juan Islands (see 1000 Places to See Before You Die), in Anacortes, the town where you catch the ferry, right next to Highway 20, is a little shop called The Business, with all kinds of used books and records and...video games. Found five 2600 cartridges I didn't have (my collection isn't that big, something like 120 games), and was tempted to buy a complete 2600 system to play them on. Apparently it's consignment, so maybe one of you guys

Jacob Rose

Jacob Rose

Flying Fuji Screensaver in OS X Quartz Composer

I have been playing with Quartz Composer on OS X a little bit. I know these folks were talking about a screen saver on the 2600, but here's a first go at an Atari logo screensaver for OS X as a Quartz Composition. After I get the visuals hammered out, I need to figure out XCode so this can be a pretty .saver file, but for now (if you like), you can drop the .qtz file into your Library/Screen Savers folder and voila...

Jacob Rose

Jacob Rose

Confession: Atari Keychain Games

This is a little "general audiences" for AA, but if you missed this review I wrote and linked to from the forums, here you go:   I have a fascination with tiny computers; I had a pocketable Tandy PC-3 back in the '80s, worked on games for PalmOS, and am still trying to make my Zaurus useful. And I'm a classic gaming fan, with a modest collection of a hundred-odd Atari VCS (a.k.a. 2600) games on cartridge. So, tiny game systems shaped like the original Atari controllers? For me, almost irresist

Jacob Rose

Jacob Rose

Sudoku possible?

Someone asked if Sudoku was available for the 2600.     I hadn't heard of one, so, wondering if it's feasible at all...   Memory: Sudoku only uses digits 1-9, plus the blank. Unfortunately, that's two too many to make the memory required really small - if it were 1-7 plus blank it would only require 4 bits to store, so you could represent the digits as nybbles and maybe even load the graphics based on the unique pair of digits. Sadly, representing 10 digits requires 5 bits, so it's probabl

Jacob Rose

Jacob Rose

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