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Space Invaders...Day 4



Man! I should've done this January 1st! Anyways, I decided to try and play at least ONE game a day of Space Invaders. Of course, things happen so I may miss a day or whatever. I guess I'll keep everyone up to date as to what's going on:January 1, 2006Played 2 games, with the scores being:6,085 and 17,365January 2, 2006Played 5 games...the scores:9,210...17,485...9,805...15,895...25,560...25,560January 3, 2006Played 4 games:2,120...22,810...12,850...52,095Today I only played one game. I got a score of 124,970 points. Very exciting, as it's my high score! I was a little upset in only the fact that I was 30 points from 125,000. If I remember right, however, I had one ship remaining at about 70,000 or 80,000 so I did pretty good I guess. I'm going back to work tomorrow for 5 days straight, so I might not get alot of high scores until next Tuesday when I'm off again.Now, if I wrote everything down right, here's the total of what's happening so far:Games Played: 12Total Score: 316,250


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