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Introduction my YouTube channel : Atari 8 Bit Game Hunter



Hey everyone. Ive been working on my new video game channel on YouTube for a little while now and wanted to share that with this forum. Most of my videos are Atari 8 Bit related ( hence the name ). But I also try to include games from other consoles that I collect.


Some of the systems I collect and you may find on the channel include the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, 8 bit computer line, NES , SNES, Gameboy, Genesis, and any other system that is cartridge based.


Each week I do at least 2 videos.


- One based called "The Gaming Moment Back In Time" which focuses on a game from my collection that either I grew up playing and enjoyed or something Ive added to my collection and has been overall a big hit to play.


- The other video is my Thursday pick up video that covers all the finds Ive picked up from flea markets, garage sales, eBay, Atari Age,or other gaming forums.


The channel can be found here : http://www.youtube.com/user/atarian83


I hope you all will enjoy these videos and like usual it's a learning process for me. Feel free to subscribe, like, comment or share personal memories of the games featured. Also I'm learning as I go and sometimes make mistakes; feel free to drop a line with comments, suggestions or ideas. The more I can learn and share the more everyone benefits.


Look forward to sharing amazing memories and gaming finds.




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