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Space Invaders...Day 9



Oh man, today was not a good day. I have a head cold if I didn't say so before and today was sneezing day. So that really tore up my sinuses. I left work a few hours early today cause I was just feeling bad. I scored a little over 19,000 on Space Invaders tonight. I kept feeling like I was going to sneeze, and I'm sure alot of you know that feeling. Thankfully I'm off the next two days, so I really hope I'll get better. I have Orange Juice, Chicken Noodle Soup and Jack Daniels all ready to help me get cured :P. When this is all over I hope I can get back into playing Space Invaders alot more than I am right now.


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Talk about dedication.


Reminds me of the time I vowed to play Contra III until I beat it, without any breaks. I gave up after about eighteen hours.

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Talk about dedication.


Reminds me of the time I vowed to play Contra III until I beat it, without any breaks. I gave up after about eighteen hours.

In my experience; marathon playing sessions followed by rest will see dramatic improvement next time you play.


I.e., I've played certain 2600 HSC games until I'm blue with no discernable improvement; then took the weekend off. Then comes Monday I play and get my highest score on my first game of the day.


You'd be surprised what a fresh look (and fresh fingers) will do for your game. :)

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