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Take this job and...



shove it.I'm going to be looking for a new employer soon.My boss, the company I work for (a small business, PC repair shop) has always bent ethics to the point that we'd lie to our customers but always leave a loophole for truth to come through. But this is the last straw, two developments basically forcing me to find somewhere where I can continue to work in good conscience.First, the cost of our parts has been rising lately, and we get all of our processors and motherboards and RAM from one supplier, and since he has a monopoly on us, basically, he's turning the screws and seeing how much we'll pay for stuff. So my manager and the owner's solution? Buy new Dells, strip them for parts, and sell them as new parts, use them to build new systems... I know there's nothing illegal in doing that, but it bothers me. Why can't we just stock retail boxes like everyone else? We make most of our money from repairs anyway.Second, we've recently discovered that 14" LCD panels are a good deal cheaper than the 15" ones, and have started stocking them instead. The catch is that panels are measured across the width of the screen now, rather than diagonally like a TV used to be. Instead of being honest and selling them as 14" flat panels, now they're "15-inch CLCD panels" where the C stands for "conventionally-measured." How hard is it to be honest and sell it as a 14" panel? Good Lord.Money is God here. I'm going to be quitting in a week or two, telling them exactly why. I'm tired of standing by pretending to not have a conscience, and I'm afraid I'm not alone, afraid everyone has a horror story like mine and I won't be able to find somewhere that won't dick their customers.


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You're doing the right thing. Just make sure you have your next job lined up before you tender your resignation. (And don't forget things like health insurance which your current employer provides.)


I suspect that your employer will soon discover his customers picking up on his deceptive practices (especially the LCDs). And a business without customers will quickly disappear.


Oh, and a boss who doesn't treat his customers with respect probably has a similar problem with his employees. Thus, you might want to double check that any payroll deductions actually went where they were supposed to.

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He treats us well, he just treats customers like shit. I'm applying at the Apple Store here in Memphis (Apple beats PC anyway :|) and a few Starbucks, and a couple independent bookstores...


It just sucks, it's really stressful and I don't need it during the school year.

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