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Space Invaders...Day 11



Man I feel TONS better. I sat down and played a few games today. Two of them I did okay on (40-50k range) but I scored terribly on the other (a little over 2k!? Man I'm losing it). I couldn't get into the zone today (have stuff on my mind) which probably explains the 40-50k. So today I played 3 games scoring:41,5352,83051,920Total games: 22Total points: 509,780Hopefully I added all the numbers right :P. A few things of interest since I got into this game. 1) As I said before I have got fast enough to where I can shoot enough Invaders that the UFO doesn't appear. At first I thought I had to shoot all but 5 on the screen so the UFO wouldn't appear. However, I was shooting all but 6 Invaders on some screens without having the UFO appear. At times I had all but 7, however, the UFO DID appear on those. And it's all about timing too. I had to shoot all but 6 in a certain time (30 seconds? 40 seconds?) before the UFO appeared. At times I'd miss a shot and here he came. I need to tape myself or something and get it down pact to where I know when the UFO appears and doesn't. Another note of this is that I can not achieve this with every screen. First off, I can only do this when the bottom row of Invaders start as low as they can. Then, I have to wait for their shots. Seeing as how they fire randomly, sometimes certain Invaders keep firing to where I can't move with the speed that I need to. Oh well, it's not like this game needs to be speed run, but it is fun to see how fast I can knock out a screen.2) Just for fun I would see which Invader I could leave last. It took a few days but today I'm proud to say I have finally had at least one of each Invader as the last one. You got to be quick on the lowest Invaders being last (don't want them to touch down do we?). There's alot of fun stuff to this game. I even make designs at times. But my next goal, if possible, is going to be difficult. I have to shoot the Invaders fast enough to where I leave a few BUT the UFO does appear. Now for this, I want to shoot all the Invaders while the UFO is on the screen. After the last Invader is shot, quickly fire and try to destroy the UFO before the next screen. I've done testing on this and I rarely get the shot to the top of the screen. Guess I'm not pressing the fire button fast enough. This will take alot of time to do, but if I can ever do this, I'll be very happy.Well, that's it for now! Stay tuned as I play another round of this truly awesome game: Space Invaders. Btw, if anyone has any questions for me, please ask away.


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