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Space Invaders...Day 15



Okay, forget it, that other game gets added as the "what I really played" total. No need in trying to put it somewhere when there's nothing I can really do about it. Anyways, moving on, I'm pretty fricking tired. My last 2 hours, hour and a half, whatever, was pretty tough. I did some nice little manual labor that sadly had to be done and that I should have had help with (but didn't have) and it wore me out. Tonight I scored a rather low 31,445. Like I said, I'm tired. I did pep up a little when I once again almost achieved my goal.*Ahem* After shooting BEHIND the UFO twice and doing a little testing, it seems like having the 2 long, 3 high box of six Invaders won't work. As I said I shot behind the UFO twice that I know of and both times the Invaders were in that position. I probably could've done a little better shooting, but I doubt I really would've hit the UFO. Now I'm thinking I need to reverse the numbers and have 3 rows of 2 high for my six Invaders. This will cause the Invaders to "bounce back" if you will a lot quicker than having two. The only problem here is the shooting. I've really got to be quick for these suckers. Due in part to being tired, I really messed up shooting the 3 rows quick enough to fire upon the UFO. But I figure with a little more practice I should possibly hit the UFO. If not then, I can at least test it and see how close I can come to shooting in case I mess up a few shots and pay attention to details instead of dozing. :PNow for the totals!Total games: 27 Total points: 640,220I'm getting ever so close to the million mark! Just to go ahead and say Wednesday I won't be able to play as much. My fiance and I have a day off together FINALLY in what has probably been 2 or 3 weeks so I'm finally getting to spend time with her. Don't worry, there will be some Invaders rocking my Atari Wednesday but just not as much as I want to on a day off. Fret not! Thursday, I am off as well :D


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