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Space Invaders...Day 17



I noticed something last night and it happened tonight. I do believe my action button may be messed up. For a few seconds it didn't even register (i.e. it didn't fire) last night, and tonight it didn't fire a few times either. Man, that isn't cool.Anyways, I'm wanting so badly to get back into another system. There is a certain RPG I have that I want to play, but yet Atari is all I'm really playing. The PS2 is going right back into the closet. Yeah, I didn't play the RPG on there for to long.Oh well, back to the game that truly matters! I had the itch today (this morning actually) at work to play some Space Invaders. It died down eventually over the day. It's now in conflict with the other side that wants to play the RPG....I'm wondering who's going to win? Maybe both sides will shake hands and stop arguing and I'll get to enjoy both games! Part of me says to play the RPG...but another part of me says I'll just get it out, play it a little, then put it right back up. I'm so confused! ARGH! Did I ever tell you how awesome Space Invaders is? If I haven't, allow me to type a 1,264 page document explaining...just kidding. Anyways, I FINALLY get a day off (WHOO HOO!)...actually two in a row! I have about 22 hours of vacation time left, so I'm trying to see if I can take it in February instead of April. I'm supposed to get married July 1st and I plan on taking a vacation then, so I figured it'd be best to take this one in February instead of April (inventory is in March and management isn't allowing vacation time then...and my yearly thing is in May so I'll lose what vacation time I have now but I'll get new vacation time...let me just say vacation time isn't added on yearly..what you don't use, you lose!)ANYWAYS, with all that that means I'll work two days and hopefully have 5 off in a row (I'm going to try and work it that way). Talk about lots of Atari time then...especially Space Invaders! Needless to say I scored a meh total of 39,090 tonight.Total games: 29Total points: 741,930As I said already, I plan on spending most of tomorrow with my fiance, so I won't have as many games played as I would on a normal day off. But I'll squeeze in a few!


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