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Space Invaders...Day 20



First of all, thanks to all 2 or 3 or you who read this and have helped get it to over 100 views! I never thought people would actually read this! (Actually it's more than 2 or 3 I guess, but I'm making a lame joke).Now, as for the game I played after I posted the blog last night, the score was 27,345. That alone brings the totals to:Total games: 33Total points: 894,725Now comes the awesome part! Tonight was a VERY good night for Space Invaders. Better than usual nights. I lost my first ship at about 100,160...or something like that. I was getting scared that I was going to score to high and not make it to bed and all. I concentrated hard tonight....not in the zone, but more focused on where the Invaders shots were going. I also pounded the UFO tonight....hitting him at least 2 out of 3 times I'd say. Heck, the ratio is probably higher 2 and 1/2 to 3? Who knows! All I know is I scored 135,935 points...a new personal high score. That alone brings my total points for the year to:Total games: 34Total points: 1,030,660YES! Yours truly has scored over 1,000,000 points on Space Invaders this year! And the good/sad part....we're still in January! I feel great and plan on putting lots more points and games on my totals. Place your bets...when will game 100 come along?


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