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Hex to Decimal (0-255) Pt II

I had another go at an one byte 'hex to decimal' conversion routine. This time I kept it simple. It's a much better effort, and much quicker then before! :)


Boring stats:

;0-255 conversion stats
;cycles   occurances
;47 - 20
;48 - 0
;49 - 10
;50 - 36
;51 - 0
;52 - 40
;53 - 10
;54 - 10
;55 - 40
;56 - 0
;57 - 40
;58 - 10
;59 - 10
;60 - 20
;61 - 0
;62 - 10
;average execution is 54.10 cycles

It looks like a nice even spread, not really weighted to one side or the other.



Here is the code:

;  0-255 Hex to Decimal conversion
;  47-62 cycles, 59 bytes
    ldx    #1                    ;2  @2
    lda    hexValue              ;3  @5     A = 0-255
    cmp    #200                  ;2  @7
    bcs    .sub200               ;2³ @9/10
    cmp    #100                  ;2  @11
    bcs    .sub100               ;2³ @13/14
    dex                          ;2  @15
    bpl    .storeHundreds        ;3  @18    always branch
    inx                          ;2  @12
    sbc    #100                  ;2  @14
    sbc    #100                  ;2  @16
    stx    decHundreds           ;3  @21
    ldx    #0                    ;2  @23
    cmp    #50                   ;2  @25    A = 0-99
    bcc    .try20                ;2³ @27/28
    sbc    #50                   ;2  @29
    ldx    #5                    ;2  @31
    cmp    #20                   ;2  @33
    bcc    .try20b               ;2³ @35/36
    inx                          ;2  @37
    inx                          ;2  @39
    sbc    #20                   ;2  @41
    cmp    #20                   ;2  @43
    bcc    .try10                ;2³ @45/46
    sbc    #20                   ;2  @47
    inx                          ;2  @49
    inx                          ;2  @51
    cmp    #10                   ;2  @53
    bcc    .storeResult          ;2³ @55/56
    sbc    #10                   ;2  @57
    inx                          ;2  @59
    stx    decTens               ;3  @62
    sta    decOnes               ;3  @65

There are lots of branches in there, and I found the worst time to be 62 cycles (not 65). I also like the approach of this routine better. It reduces the problem at the start, and doesn't go through the hassle of splitting the digits later. :)

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