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Space Invaders...Day 23



Someone said on a topic that I should try for a million points in under 34 games. I'm going for it! After looking at alot of my first games, I think I can do it! Actually, I KNOW I can do it! Tonight I was just way to busy having fun to be serious. I only scored 48,965 points. I lost a ship at about 2k. I saw the enemy shot, and just walked right into it! Same way with my last ship! D'oh! Tomorrow I'll put in a serious game. Got to knock my scores up if I'm going to do a million in under 34 games. Heck if you take the last three games I played (which are games 35, 36 and 37) I've already got 150K total points. Compare that to games 1, 2 and 3 where I had 32k total! Yeah! Oh man that game was fun. Anyways, like I said I scored 48,965.Total games: 37Total points: 1,196,345Getting close to that 1.5 million! Anyways, Look for a HOPEFUL 2 million....I'll say possibly next week. You never know, it might be 2 more weeks. I guess we'll all just have to wait and see!


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